525  close embrase with taller women


Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 13:19:48 -0700
From: david hodgson <tangoman7@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: close embrase with taller women

>>Rick asked, "is it possible to dance in close
>>embrace with a woman that is about 3-4 inches taller
>>than you? I always find it difficult and it doesn't
>>look good."

Good questions and information, My 3.26 cents:
I have had the opportunity to dance with women who are
even taller that that.
The things I have found that really made a difference
is for the woman to also stand tall and accentuate
this wonderful aspect of who they are. When they try
to lower them selves to match more chest to chest, I
generally have a harder time being able to listen to
the follow.
The other thing (esp true in this case) is to keep any
figures in a small confined area and walk a lot.
Before walking, I gauge the direction we will be
moving and aim for a clear spot. Walking an outside
partner style helps open up the line of sight a bit
As far as looking good. My opinion is I am not in a
beauty contest, I am there to simply dance. I save the
beauty stuff for when I do performance.

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