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Tango List Library    886 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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Article thread (number of posts)

501  Integrating Workshops and Local Classes (20)
Tango is most often taught in workshops by visiting instructors and classes by local instructors. To what extent is it useful to integrate these activities? How far should a local instructor deviate...

502  Retaining Tango Students (1)
Hello, Thanks to Stephen Brown for his posting replete with great insights about teaching tango and retaining men. In our small community, new to tango, I have made the following observation after teaching...

503  tango es también Montevideo (1)
Hola a todos "El tango es también Montevideo". EL "2 x 4" EN MONTEVIDEO.¿CÓMO PALPITA? Boguslaw Dygasiewicz is...

504  NA-C: Dancing in Kansas City? (1)
Hi David, You can find info on Tango in Kansas City at or try the new site in progress We have a growing scene here, an excellent band - which...

505  Learning the Soul of Tango (Was: Integrating Workshops and Local (5)
Classes) Nancy wrote: Nancy's comments might leave someone who wants to learn to dance tango with the question as to whether they can find the soul of tango in their own dancing. I think the...

506  passing as teachers (1)
Nancy wrote, "They would not dream of passing themselves off as teachers because they know that the soul of tango dance cannot be taught." My reply may be a bit off target but it seems like a good time...

507  Intergrading Workshops and Local Classes (1)
Brian wrote The Miami dance community has at most 150 Tangueros. We perform many more shows than you've mentioned mainly because of Miami's tourism = industry. Restraunts and night clubs hotels are...

508  Social and Stage Tango (2)
Steven Brown wrote: I would not make a distinction between social and performance dancers, but certainly we must recognize a difference between dancing in milongas and dancing on the stage. <<<

509  Who is welcome at the "Milonguero Weekend"? (11)
Hi Tom, Regarding your 5-week warning for your Milonguero Weekend event: The milonguero weekend is about SOCIAL DANCING, not SHOW TANGO. <<< You seem to be trying to convey something more than...

510  Interesting tango ties to New Orleans (1)
I read this in the ATOF and though it might interest the tango folks of the Tango-L Cheers, Manuel William Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, Walker Percy and many other authors have written about Louisiana...

511  How I got hooked on tango (1)
Brian Dunn wrote: By sheer accident - we thought we were taking a ballroom tango class and had never heard of Argentine tango. I got hooked learning forward ochos - made me feel very feminine. My husband...

512  What pulls 'em in? Performance/salon???? (1)
Dear Everyone, I know I miss some wonderful stuff written on the list, but I caught this from Tom Stermitz who wrote about what pulls non-tangoers into this experience and I loved it: Isn't this a beautiful...

513  This style or that... (1)
Brian Dunn writes: <<Recently a visitor from out of town was dancing a clearly identifiable Nuevo If this style is indeed "clearly" identifiable, could we get a description of it? I certainly...

514  Nuevo Tango - one definition (3)
Clayton Beach writes: << <<Recently a visitor from out of town was dancing a clearly identifiable Nuevo If this style is indeed "clearly" identifiable, could we get a description of it? Sorry,...

515  good manners and the worst crash story ever (2)
Brian's point about MANNERS on the dance floor is an excellent one. Keeping ones neighbors at ease on the floor is so important. It is more than just not bumping, it is avoiding the suspicion and anxiety...

516  To Close Embrace or Not To Close Embrace (8)
When men are clean, shaven, well bathed and perfumed we, ladies, enjoy being held close in their arms. Unshaven ("prickly faced"), unbathed, intoxicated, alcoholic breath is repulsive, repugnant and... TangoLady: I've been overpowered by cologne, and I can imagine that some folks with extra sensitive noses are offended by perfume. BO also happens to...

517  Phenomena's of dance (1)
Maria Lemus wrote: Phenomena's of dance; Phenomena # 1; New girl shows up at a milonga. The worst dancers that nobody will dance with, asks you to dance. After he cannot lead you or = anybody else...

518  go miami (1)
GO MIAMI Don't let denver knock you down! la guacha

519  smelly women (1)
i'm sure women generally smell better than men. however often when i wear a suit (i'm a guy) i notice that the part of the jacket where my right bicep is, really smells of armpit. so i have to have it...

520  Smelly dancing (7)
I remember a workshop with Fabian Salas in Burbank during an extremly hot spell. It was at least in the mid 90's outside, and fairly miserable indoors due to a struggling ventilation system. At one... Hi Paul. If people don't like it......

521  close embrace with tall woman (3)
Hello everybody: Just a quick question, is it possible to dance in close embrace with a woman that is about 3-4 inches taller than you? I always find it difficult and it doesn't look good. Is there...

522  Demographics (1)
Does anyone on the list know of a source of dance demographics? I am looking for information on numbers of people who dance AT, as well as, those who dance swing and salsa. Thanks, Robin Tara Tara Tango...

523  The rise of narrowly focused tango events (1)
Over the past week, we have debated the idea of which styles of tango are best, which styles are welcome at particular events, etc. Some have suggested that freedom means that all tango events should...

524  close embrace with taller woman (1)
Rick asked, "is it possible to dance in close embrace with a woman that is about 3-4 inches taller than you? I always find it difficult and it doesn't look good." It is indeed very possible. I've had...

525  close embrase with taller women (1)
Good questions and information, My 3.26 cents: I have had the opportunity to dance with women who are even taller that that. The things I have found that really made a difference is for the woman to also...

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