526 Mark Celaya (1)
Recently, our dear friend and wonderful dance partner,
Mark Celaya, who brought a whole new meaning
to Tango in Los Angeles with THE VERY BEST Friday Night
Milonga and THE FINEST resourse for tango music
527 Finnish tango - the original? (5)
On a recent visit to Helsinki I had some lessons in the Finnish tango. I asked how it came to lose its figures, as there are a great many in =
Argentine tango and the ballroom tango consists of nothing...
528 Helsinki Tango (7)
John wrote:-
(On a recent visit to Helsinki I had some lessons in the Finnish tango. I
asked how it came to lose its figures, as there are a great many in
Argentine tango and the ballroom tango consists...
529 Dancing Shoes (4)
Can anyone recommend any online dancing shoes store
for both Tango and Salsa, men and women, that are of
good quality and yet reasonably priced? I know a few
dancers asked me this question and I thought...
530 Finish tango (1)
I am not an authority on Finish tango, but I am born there and I visit the
country and my family regulary. So my opinions are not based on a TV-show
or a exotic finn who showed up far a way from home....
531 Tango with the Broom & Tandem Tango (1)
We were like a bunch of kids. It was another of the wonderful private
parties held at Casa de Gerard in Buenos Aires with a group of friends from
the milongas, including several milongueros. Everyone...
532 Altering the music (2)
Many of you dropped by the ToTANGO website after my post about the Di Sarli
Cronologica restoration project nearly a month ago.
After receiving requests to provide more MP3 examples of the differences
533 Visas for Dancers (1)
Hi All,
I will try and make a short reply to Linda's post. I don't intend to advise
or educate everyone on all the ins and outs of visa processing for tango
dancers and teachers. But because this issue...
534 fresh lunfardo (2)
I'm smiling about a catch-all expression I heard last week
in BA.
...a blind step against line of dance into your partner... a Garca!
...another resignation in the government... I am told,...
535 I would like to talk to Alex Krebs (2)
I have read an article about Alex Krebs from Portland, Org, in the April
issue of Reportango Magazine, and I would like to contact him.
Could anyone in Portland help me
536 Tango on TV (1)
Two days ago I watched on AMC channel a pretty good new movie ( a premiere)
titled "Six Degrees of Separation" with a great tango music in it: a part of
the piece in the beginning, a bit in the middle,...
537 BACK TO BA (1)
The first time visitor to Buenos Aires would never know anything was amiss. They would only see
the grand old, sprawling Euro-Italian city, with the tiny cars that make six lanes out of the marked
538 'milongueros' (3)
Hi Pichi!
I always read your posts with interest and now I have a question
for you.
You write:
With much curiosity, I've been meaning to ask you what you mean by
'milonguero'. It seems you often use the...
539 Tango photographs in the new issue of JAZZIZ (1)
Good evening
This new issue of JAZZIZ (May 2002)
features an article called
"Play for me Argentina" with subtitle
Search the world over and you`ll
find few delights to match the
marvelous sights and sounds
540 Tango conference for instructors? (3)
Timothy Pogros posted this to the Tango-A list, but I think it is
more appropriate as a discussion topic. So here's his re-post, and my
thoughts on it.
This is a good idea.
The old joke is that to teach...
541 Finnish tango - the thread continues (1)
Two years ago I visited Finland. I heard several types of
tango: modern (mainly by Russian buskers) and traditional. Once, when an
accordion player began to crank out a Finnish tango, I...
542 Your favorite quotes on dancing? (1)
Tango friends,
I'd like to ask your help in collecting quotes regarding dancing. It could be about dancing in general but preferably tango. If you have your=
favorite quotes on dancing and would...
543 An information request (1)
I'm hoping people can help me with some information leads.....
We're holding a 3 day Festival of Tango here in New Zealand in 6 weeks. I'm
interested in getting resource material off the internet that...
544 Dancing to the Music (3)
Some people have developed rules for dancing to the music. These rules
include such things as no ganchos or mordidas with vals; no planeos with
old tangos; longer, gliding steps for Pugliese; shorter,...
545 ADMIN: computer viruses (2)
Several subscribers have received email messages, apparently
from the tango lists, that contain the klez computer virus.
This virus seems to be extremely virulent; I've been receiving
several copies...
546 Developing Effortless Mastery in Tango (8)
Four stages of learning have been identified:
1) Unconscious incompetence
2) Conscious incompetence
3) Conscious competence
4) Unconscious competence
Edgar Degas said, "Only when he no longer knows...
547 Tango on Victoria Island in Canada (1)
Dear friends just a word to thank all those that made our trip to
Victoria so worth while.The reception we received was very warm and we
extend an on going invitation to all those that made us feel...
548 Guides to Tango Music (1)
The non-commerical website, Tango Argentino de Tejas
<https://www.tejastango.com/> now has six guides to tango music for social
Building a Collection of Tango Music for Social Dancing
549 looking for a song (6)
I am looking for a tango titled "Celas" (Jealousy). My boyfriend heard it
played in Cuba last summer with only a guitarist and a violinist. I have
found one version on the internet but I cannot find...
550 Many Thanks! (2)
This is a HUGE thank you to all who attended last thursday night`s (5/9/02)
milonga held on my behalf in Los Angeles. It was just too wonderful an
evening for me, I was totally overwhelmed. A special...
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