3531  Eyes Closed for Men


Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 11:03:22 -0500
From: Gibson Batch <gibsonbatch@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Eyes Closed for Men

This note is for the guys - I took a FOLLOWING-for-LEADERS class last
weekend from Lois, and it was GREAT. Lois, thanks for a great new flavor
for my dancing. It was just what I needed - and it gives me a little break
from the mental stress of 'just leading' all the time.

I encourage men everywhere to try it- but if you are like me, you will need
a class or two first.

Wouldn't it be great to have follower/leader roles reversed between couples
more often? It works for me. If this doesn't work for you and you think
this idea this is weird, then OK - stick to 'just leading' only.

But guys, you are really missing half the fun by not letting a woman take
the helm from time to time. Close your eyes and find out.


from Janis,

I close my eyes when following because it is pleasant
to do so. It also helps me to focus more completely
on my partner and the moment rather than becoming
distracted by the room and the other dancers and all
the people. It's the same reason that I close my eyes
when listening to music that I really enjoy.

Portland, OR

Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 18:13:22 +0000
From: Jay Rabe <jayrabe@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Eyes Closed for Men

In one of Chan Park's Tango Zen workshops he did an exercise like this, with
the leader's eyes closed, and with the follower assuming navigation
responsibility. It was a good exercise to demonstrate to the leader the
extraordinary trust that we leaders desire/assume from our followers. At the
same time I think this is not something you'd want to do in a milonga,
especially if it's crowded, though if there's an explicit agreement with
your follower, I suppose it could work, again assuming it's not crowded.

I had a chat once with a leader who is often difficult to navigate around,
who admitted that he sometimes zones out and dances with his eyes closed. I
thought, aha, that explains a lot.

J in Portland

----Original Message Follows----

Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 03:52:24 -0500
From: Michael Figart II <michaelfigart@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: eyes closed

Yeah, sorry; I'm a little behind.....but Rick Jones, and everybody
else.....I don't really care whether my follower keeps her eyes open or
closed, only that she follows.

I've had some fantastic dances with followers who do both, or either;
but the best, by far!...the most sensual, the most memorable....are with
those followers who feel relaxed and comfortable enough that their eyes
close automatically.

It's not a matter of whether they close their eyes because they want to,
or feel they should.....It's a matter of whether my lead is good enough
that they know not what they do! So yeah, Rick, you just stay away from
those that close their eyes!


Michael from Houston

Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 11:14:40 +0200
From: Hélène Eckert <Helene.Eckert@ITU.INT>
Subject: Re: eyes closed

Hello, I agree with Michael: closing my eyes when dancing has nothing to do with a decision: it is something spontaneous, my eyes seem to close =
themselves when I feel very relaxed, confident in the leader, when his abrazo is soft but present, and also depending on the music...
Hélène (Geneva, switzerland)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion of Any Aspect of the Argentine Tango
> [mailto:TANGO-L@MITVMA.MIT.EDU]On Behalf Of Michael Figart II
> Sent: mercredi, 29. juin 2005 10:52
> Subject: [TANGO-L] eyes closed
> Yeah, sorry; I'm a little behind.....but Rick Jones, and everybody
> else.....I don't really care whether my follower keeps her
> eyes open or
> closed, only that she follows.
> I've had some fantastic dances with followers who do both, or either;
> but the best, by far!...the most sensual, the most
> memorable....are with
> those followers who feel relaxed and comfortable enough that
> their eyes
> close automatically.
> It's not a matter of whether they close their eyes because
> they want to,
> or feel they should.....It's a matter of whether my lead is
> good enough
> that they know not what they do! So yeah, Rick, you just stay
> away from
> those that close their eyes!
> Regards,
> Michael from Houston

Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2005 02:20:34 -0500
From: Michael Figart II <michaelfigart@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: eyes closed

On Jun 29, I wrote,,,,,,

<<<<<OOPS, sorry Rick, meant to express earlier my sorrow that you must
go through life as an incomplete human being......>>>

Sorry Rick, I didn't mean to sound so inhuman, but I'm a dumbass, so I
struck back using your own words; no insult really intended.

On Jun 23, Rick wrote.... <<<<Then I guess I'll just have to go through
life as an incomplete human being>>>>>RJ

Once again, Rick, no insult really intended, and as I said later, I
really don't care if eyes are closed or not; only that she follows!



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