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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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3526  Vines and tango (1)
I heard that when a vine climbs on a trellis it rotates one way in the northern hemisphere and it does it in the opposite direction in the southern one. Is this related to the coriolis force or to closed...

3527  conflict and collision (1)
Hello List, and Happy Father's Day! MARISA, yes, of course anytime you see imminent trouble I want my follower to help. By refusing to step into trouble if necessary, etc, but if I lead well, you will...

3528  Cortinas - What is to short or to long (5)
Hola, What is the general thought regarding the time length of a cortina? I've been to Milongas where they are quite short; so you cannot accompany your partner off the floor and other Milongas where... The cortina that I use most often is a piece of guitar music that...

3529  Cortina length (1)
40 seconds is about right. Cortina is played to clear the floor, to change partners and mood of the music. In BsAs cortina is played as long as people are still on the floor and a bit more for cabeseo...

3530  Ethics, MP3s, File Sharing and Restoring Tango Classics (1)
The Ethics, MP3s, File Sharing and Restoring Tango Classics For the last decade D.J.s and tango aficionados worldwide have been bringing scratchy tango CDs to life through love and days of...

3531  Eyes Closed for Men (5)
This note is for the guys - I took a FOLLOWING-for-LEADERS class last weekend from Lois, and it was GREAT. Lois, thanks for a great new flavor for my dancing. It was just what I needed - and it gives...

3532  Does anybody know Elisabeth Rittinger? (1)
She was in Toronto's tango fest. she sent me an e-mail about a trip to Buenos Aires, but when I reply to it it says that the address does not exist. very weird. thanks!

3533  Trying to contact Carolina Jaurena(Raul Jaurena's Daughter) (1)
The phone number that I have for Carolina was disconnected. Is there anyone who knows how to reach her??? Happy Tangos, Vittoria

3534  Restored Classics Free on Bear Share and K azaa autumn (otoņo) 2005 (2)
We have been gathering all the amateur remakes, redigitalized and restored tango classics from Berlin, Amsterdam, Zurich, Montreal, Alaska, Paris and England. We will put them FREE on Bareshare and...

3535  SA:MISC Tango hollydays and health (2)
Dear tango friends : If you are thinking in coming to Buenos Aires to enjoy tango with all the milongas , the night , classes , practises and the beauty of our most traditional neighbourhoods , we have...

3536  Fun Trashy -- and True! "Kiss and Tango: Looking for Love in Buenos (1)
Fun Trashy -- and True! "Kiss and Tango: Looking for Love in Buenos Aires" by Marina Palmer. "This memoir is perfect for anyone who has ever fantasized about quitting their job and moving to an exotic...

3537  Songs you like but don't here at Milongas (1)
Often we hear the same songs over and over again at a milonga. Everywhere I go, I hear La Bruja, for example. I would like to expand our play list a bit. Could people list songs that they like, that...

3538  Songs you like but don't hear at Milongas (2)
Hello A, Sounds like what you need is a DJ (or a different DJ). Nothing wrong with La Bruja, although it's not in my top 1600 (songs I use at milongas; I will not list my 1600 recommendations here). I...

3539  where can I dance in Amsterdam ? (1)
I will be in Amsterdam in mid- July. Suggestions for Tango dance opportunities would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! Sherwin Berger Chicago

3540  Confiteria Ideal in Buenos Aires (6)
There was a newspaper report about an accident which happened in Confiteria Ideal a few months ago. Alicia "La Turca", who organizes the Monday afternoon milonga, told me what actually happened. One... Janis kindly gave us an update about tourist prices / tourist rip-off at Confideria Ideal on mondays: On 23 Jun 2005 at 16:43, Janis Kenyon wrote: charged of I did not support the boycott of Alicia's milonga....

3541  Semi-finals of the Campeonata (1)
Some 120 couples made it to the semi-final rounds of the city-wide tango salon competition in Buenos Aires. I've been viewing highlights of the semi-final rounds on Solo Tango tv and saw a few familiar...

3542  Sad Tango News Today (3)
wrote: Hola Tangueros A great man passed away. Bob Moretti, my mentor, co-founder of Nora's Tango Week but specially my best friend is no longer with us. Tangamente, Nora

3543  Bob Moretti's Obituary Notice (2)
Bob Moretti Obituary Argentine Tango Dancer and Tango writer Bob Moretti passed away Wednesday morning June 22nd in his sleep. He was never in any pain. The family is grateful that he did not linger...

3544  Entradas to the milongas in Buenos Aires (14)

3545  Bob Moretti; A tango dancer to be remembered. (1)
Bob Moretti, Our deepest condolences to Bob's family, to the AT Tango community and to Nora Dinzelbacher who worked with Bob in organizing, promoting and delivering an excellent opportunity for hundreds...

3546  NARCOTANGO concert in Toronto (Fri, July 15) (1) Dear friends, Argentina's sensational Tango band NARCOTANGO ( will be performing live in Toronto, Canada on Friday, July...

3547  Milongas Buenos Aires & fees (1)
Dear friends from Tango list I was just about to end a personal research of local milongas world in Buenos Aires, when the posting of Janis Kenyon reach the list, concerning the fees that are charged...

3548  Buenos Aires - Five years later, part 1 (1)
Just back from a trip to Buenos Aires... my first in five years. Wish I'd gone back more often, but life intervenes sometimes... GENERAL IMPRESSIONS It was nice to visit Buenos Aires in the off season....

3549  Buenos Aires - 5 years later - part 2 (1)
CABECEO or "THE EYE GAME" Janis Kenyon has claimed that if the guy approaches your table to request a dance, then by definition he is a bad dancer. In my experience, this is a fair and reasonable general...

3550  Tango Styles in Bs. As. (6)
Tom Stermitz just came back from Bs.As. and tells us: " The dance style in all the milongas we attended (downtown) was 95% milonguero. " He adds "I'm not saying that the "tango of the 1940s" doesn't...

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