1875  First Tango Hotel in Buenos Aires


Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 09:52:20 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: First Tango Hotel in Buenos Aires

Dear friends from Tango list
Hector Villalba , a renowned tango teacher , with Tango Academy at Dandi (Piedras 936) , is about to conclude his project of a Tango Hotel in Buenos Aires.
A nearby petit hotel to Dandi Academy, will be opened in a few days , with the name Mansion Dandi Royal.
This building belonged firstly to Cassullo family, then it was a bordello, then the place of the Circle of Army Corporals .
Finally Mr. Villalba adapt the building, keepmng their architectonial style, to made a five stars hotel , small size ( there are 15 rooms only), but devoted to Tango , with Tango lessons , hosting for Tango students , tango amenities , and so on .

It is good to preserve old buildings as this , and have new ideas to keep them alive . I do not know yen Dandi nor Mr Villalba ( shame on me ), I will have to go to the wednesdays milonga to have a look:):).

Well, the building started as a petit hotel, and ends two centuries later as petit hotel , talking about coincidences:):)

Warm regards
Alberto Gesualdi
Buenos Aires

p.s. there is an article at Clarin Newspaper today, unfortunately only in spanish, but there is a picture of Mr Villalba at the lobby , if you want a hint of the atmosphere of this place

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