1041  Los Dos Javiers


Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 14:49:22 -0500
From: rtara <rtara@MAINE.RR.COM>
Subject: Los Dos Javiers

Announcing a new tango community.

We now officially have tango in Maine.
Javier Bucher, from Rosario, Argentina has been teaching here for a year,
now. We have about 40 regular students with more joining our classes each
week. The word is out that Javier is a phenomenally gifted teacher. His
approach is unique in that he has managed to train competent dancers who
lead and follow with ease. Students are willing to work seriously and
intensely with him, as he directs them in ways of moving and using their
bodies, that results in a dance called tango. He doesnıt teach figures, but
all students can execute basic tango patterns which prompt crosses, ochos,
turns, boleos, sandwiches, stops and all the other typical ³steps².

Last weekend we hosted another Javier. This is Javier Rochwarger, from
Buenos Aires. His smooth, fluid style in close embrace is a delight to
experience and his teaching is exceptional. One of the students from his
workshop said, ³After all the hundreds of dollars Iıve spent on tango
classes, I got more from this one weekend than all the rest.²
This Javier is arriving in Chicago today and will be teaching soon in
Minneapolis, as well. If any of you lucky people in those areas are
³Who is this unknown guy from Argentina whoıs teaching with Brooke Burdett?²
Donıt think twice. Go to his classes!

Best regards,


Tara Design, Inc.
Toll Free in US: 1-877-906-8272

18 Stillman St.
So. Portland ME 04106

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