Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 22:56:37 -0400

Barbara Garvey wrote:

For our milonga on the last
Friday of the month in Marin County Al creates the program in advance on
minidiscs, with cortinas, prints it out, and distributes it at the door.
During the evening he doesn't try to psych out the mood of the crowd, but
the dancers can identify what he's playing and skip any tandas they don't
like. I don't think Al has any special rules such as when to play D'Arienzo
or Pugliese. He just mixes rhythms and orchestras in a nice balance, adds a
few tandas of waltz and milonga, and is able to dance most of the evening.

A few years ago, when I posted my "Back to BA" article to the list, one of the
things I mentioned was the fact that the milongas in BA were very consistent
in their playlist, playing a tanda of each style of tango, salon, milonga, vals
and club, with cortinas between and then repeating the styles with different
music. I loved the organization of this; I know what is coming, I can look for
my favorite partners for the next tanda, visit friends for the coming
tanda, or whatever else one might do. Al and Barbara have taken this one
step further and printed out a program! IMHO I think this is a fabulous idea
and possibly the way of the future. Knowing the playlist for the evening might affect
my decision to stay or go home. And this way I could avoid all the crazy music that
seems to be going around these days......

regards to the list,
norma greco

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