3074  The milongas in the capital federal of BsAs remain closed


Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 13:41:05 -0300
From: Janis Kenyon <jantango@FEEDBACK.NET.AR>
Subject: The milongas in the capital federal of BsAs remain closed

Milongas in the provincias are the only places which are open for dancing.
I learned today that there were dances in Vicente Lopez on the weekend.
None of the milongas in the capital federal are allowed to open. I had
information from a friend that Lo de Celia would be open tonight, but
decided to confirm this with the organizer of the Monday night milonga. He
told me that he will be holding his milonga at another location in Vicente
Lopez since they are not permitted to open any dance within the capital
federal for another 12 days. The president extended the period of time to
15 days that all dance halls in the capital are to remain closed.

The club Republica Cromagnon where the fire was held had never been
inspected. There is an estimate that more than 4,000 entered the club to
hear a rock band where the capacity is 1,300. A fire broke out on Thursday
night at 10:30pm when someone set off some type of fireworks. The fire exit
was closed.

Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 08:19:55 -0600
From: Hector <maselli@GATE.NET>
Subject: Re. The milongas in the capital federal of BsAs remain closed

On Jan 4, 2005, at 2:00 AM, jantango@FEEDBACK.NET.AR wrote:

>The club Republica Cromagnon where the fire was held had never been inspected.

Read the papers JK,

El jefe de Gobierno porteño, Aníbal Ibarra, aseguró esta tarde que el boliche República Cromañon tenía una habilitaciÃ=
³n emitida por los Bomberos en junio de 2004, corrigiendo un informe anterior que aseguraba que el local no había sido inspeccionado desde 2003=
por la comuna.

Ibarra dio a conocer esta nueva documentación tras reunirse con un grupo de dueños de boliches, con quienes charló sobre las medidas di=
spuestas durante el fin de semana. De acuerdo al jefe de Gobierno, el material será girado inmediatamente a la jueza María Angélica Cro=
tto, que investiga la tragedia que hasta el momento dejó 183 muertos y más de 700 heridos.

Según Ibarra, funcionarios del Gobierno porteño descubrieron hoy "una intimación contra la empresa que regenteaba el local de Bartolom=
é Mitre 3060/72 fechada el 24 de mayo de 2004". Y agregó que "el 10 de junio de ese año, un representante de la empresa presentó e=
n la dirección de Habilitaciones toda la documentación requerida, como planos, y la certificación de Bomberos, por lo que estaba en reg=

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