1781  Tango everywhere!


Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 00:57:10 -0500
From: Michael Figart II <michaelfigart@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Tango everywhere!

Greetings to all! And thanks to Tom Stermitz........damn; how can a
Texas boy make a living in Colorado???

I'm back from my third trip to the Denver Labor Day Tango Festival, and
had a truly wonderful experience. I'm still recovering, as Sunday
classes started at noon, then we moved to Cheeseman Park for a gorgeous
outdoor evening milonga, and then back to the hotel, for the "Hardcore
Milonga", where we finished up at 6:00am Monday morning. Just imagine!
Eighteen hours of nearly non-stop dancing!!!! And that is after some
sensational parties Friday and Saturday! It's really nice to meet
people from all over the U.S., and see the friends I've met over the
last 2 years there. There were people from Atlanta, Minneapolis, Boston,
New York, San Francisco, L.A., Seattle, Portland, Miami, Kansas City,
Salt Lake, Austin, Dallas, among others. Sadly, there were only two
attendees from Houston this time; me and Roger Soto. The quality of the
dancing was superb, the event was exquisitely organized, very
economical, and just a fantastic experience all the way around. The
teachers were top-flight; Yvonne Meissner, Robert Hauk, Barbara Durr,
Hsueh-tze Lee, Tom Stermitz, Christopher Nassopoulos, Caroline Peattie,
Robin Thomas, and Jennifer Bratt. I enjoyed one of the best classes I've
ever taken, and all the music was incredible thanks to DJ's; Robin,
Robert, Lisa Battan, and Stephen Brown. It's always a very simple, easy
trip, since most of the events are held right at the Doubletree Hotel.
Special thanks go to Tango Colorado, for their sponsoring the Sunday
evening milonga at Cheeseman Park, complete with great food (also
allowing for the vegetarians), a beautiful venue, and their attention to
such details as rose bouquets, plenty of tables and facilities.....all
the way down to the toothpicks! And extra-special thanks to Tom
Stermitz, the organizer of this very special event! OK, enough about
Denver......two good ones coming up, though, are; the 5th annual
Fandango de Tango in Austin, Nov 26-30 www.learn2dance.com , and the 7th
annual Portland Tangofest, Oct 15-19, www.claysdancestudio.com . Both of
these events will be huge, with many extremely talented instuctors, and
fantastic parties.

Alright!!! This Sunday at Cafe Matisse Tango Houston will host a
videographer from the Houston Chronicle, who will be collecting footage
and stills for the Chronicle's "Ultimate Houston" entertainment guide
running Sept 14. Apparently our event will be featured in print, and on
their website, and Tango Houston would love to have a huge crowd attend.
Please plan on being there to enjoy some fine dancing, some great music,
and some really cool cameraderie. This is Houston's premiere
non-aligned, impartial venue for lovers of Argentine Tango. As always,
many thanks go out to Cafe Matisse for their hospitality and great

Other events this weekend? Friday night we have the "First Friday"
milonga sponsored by Always Tango, at Helios, 411 Westheimer, 9:30 til
2:00. And we also have Victor and Susana's milonga at Eye Candy Studios.
Saturday night you can enjoy dancing at Barbara King's, sponsored by
Martin and Natia Palaez. Whatever you do, please make sure you plan on
attending Sunday night at Cafe Matisse!!! We begin at 8:00, and will go
until Jimmie kicks us out, normally about midnight.

Details and maps are available at www.tangohouston.org

Please use our video and audio library, available at Cafe Matisse; see
our website for detailed listing of resources.

Thanks for all your support, and we look forward to seeing you

Warm regards,

Michael Figart II

Pres, Tango Houston


www.tangohouston.org <https://www.tangohouston.org/>


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