2730  Tango Research Group: An Invitation


Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 14:13:28 -0600
From: Brian Dunn <brian@DANCEOFTHEHEART.COM>
Subject: Tango Research Group: An Invitation

Dear List,

In many different tango conversations, we've heard statements like "there's
so many fascinating questions to answer in tango - somebody should do a
study to get some evidence - there's so many Ph.D. theses in tango - etc."
In recent years, various aspects of the tango cultural experience have in
fact become the subject of academic study. An Electronic Symposium held in
Buenos Aires this past June featured academic papers on tango from many
different disciplines (only in Spanish and Portugese - the link at
www.simposioelectronico.com.ar/tango is down now, unfortunately).

While many of these papers shed interesting light on historical aspects of
tango, some of us are interested in getting some evidence about questions in
the more experiential and psychological aspects of tango: How does it
affect our inner life? our relationship with our partners? our outlook on
the social world around us? What is going on between a couple when they are
in a tango trance? What kind of people are attracted to tango, and why? and
on and on and on...

We know from experience that, in the USA and much of Europe, tango attracts
an educated crowd, many of whom are comfortable with research protocols and
procedures as part of their professional callings. While many of you may
see tango as a sweet escape from concern with such quantitative
considerations as research (i.e., no FLAMES please - we won't respond), I
bet SOME of you, like us, are intrigued with quantitative, replicable
evidence in support of answers to questions like these.

We ourselves have begun a study in association with a graduate student at
Naropa University in Boulder to begin to answer some of these kinds of
questions. The first such study got underway last night, and should wrap up
by the end of September.

We are donating our time to this effort because we would like to form a
group of people interested in pursuing these qeustions within their own
tango communities. By identifying interested people who can serve as the
facilitators for particular studies in their area, we hope to avoid
unnecessary duplication of effort while also managing to verify each other's
work whenever possible and convenient. Most importantly, we want to start a
conversation among these people about the best way to proceed, so that we
can agree on some things like protocols and procedures in general terms. We
hope to provide a clearinghouse function, and eventually sponsor some
conferences here in Colorado.

Tango has so many different dimensions, and involves so many aspects of our
inner and outer lives - we are very excited to follow up on this
longstanding vision of tango research. We have received expressions of
interest and support for this effort from some very high-level academicians.
Please e-mail us if your are interested in being part of such a group. We
are especially interested in people with backgrounds in research psychology
that would have access to well-accepted testing procedures through their
current academic connections. But if the idea is exciting to you on any
level, please contact us! Let's see what we can do together.

All the best,
Brian Dunn and Deborah Sclar
Dance of the Heart
Boulder, Colorado USA

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 14:10:30 -0700
From: Carlos Lima <amilsolrac@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Tango Research Group: An Invitation

Hi, Deb & Brian,

Even though I am not offering to participate, I am so glad you are doing
this, and would be most interested in following up on the results of such
efforts -- as well as any others of the same ilk that you may be able to tell
me about. I would love to see this sort of thing advertised on the list,
perhaps as a substitute for our frequent bouts of suspect "magister-dixism"
:) ;) :)

By the way, I am a (graduate school) alumnus of CU, Boulder, and I am glad
that academic interest in tango has developed in one of my "Alma Maters" ...
A happy surprise.


Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 14:05:57 -0400
From: rtara <rtara@MAINE.RR.COM>
Subject: Research

Hi everyone,

I'm doing some research on tango shoes from the thirties and forties.
I wonder if anyone has old photos, catalogs, or actual shoes from this era.

I would prefer items that show a date from those years.

Thanks so much,


Tara Design, Inc.
Toll Free in US: 1-877-906-8272

18 Stillman St.
So. Portland ME 04106

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