1447  Why only milongueros?


Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 13:09:24 -0400
From: Tanguero Chino <tanguerochino@NETSCAPE.NET>
Subject: Why only milongueros?

>Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 00:57:18 -0300
>From: Janis Kenyon <jantango@FEEDBACK.NET.AR>
>Subject: SA: Encounters with the Milongueros
>You can read more information and see their photos on the page
>which Keith Elshaw has designed.......

The above was sent to Tango A, but I think its worth some exploration here.

Why only milongueros? What about las damas de las milongas?

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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 13:09:24 -0400
From: Tanguero Chino <tanguerochino@NETSCAPE.NET>
Subject: Why only milongueros?

>Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 00:57:18 -0300
>From: Janis Kenyon <jantango@FEEDBACK.NET.AR>
>Subject: SA: Encounters with the Milongueros
>You can read more information and see their photos on the page
>which Keith Elshaw has designed.......

The above was sent to Tango A, but I think its worth some exploration here.

Why only milongueros? What about las damas de las milongas?

I haven't forgotten the milongueras. There seem to be even fewer of them in
the milongas. However, our encounter on July 3 will be with a milonguero
and a milonguera, who are a married couple.
I recently attended a birthday celebration of a milonguero at which there
were four milongueras!! As soon as the film is developed, their photos will
be added to Keith's website (I hope).
Pichi de Buenos Aires

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