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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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2001  Leader's Tango Technique video suggestions (9)
I am looking for a good video/dvd/cd-rom for improving leader's techniques-posture,embrace,musicality,turns,adornments etc. I am not looking for figures or pattern. I am an intermediate-advance leader.

2002  two simple requests (2)
Hola todos, I would like to make a couple of requests which I've been meaning to do for some time but just never got around to: 1. Could the people on the list who are instructors form another list where...

2003  Touring with Mimi Santapa (1)
On Wednesday afternoon, in a heavy rain with high wind, Mimi Santapa passes by our guesthouse to give Donna and I a tour of the Costanera Reserva Ecologica and the old ports of La Boca and Barracas. Mimi...

2004  Dress Code and Etiquette (4)
Trini wrote:"Think I should crack the whip a little bit more at our Sunday dance about dress code and etiquette?" Dress Code: Your approach to this problem depends on whether you are riding a horse or...

2005  5-day workshops in BA w/ Osvaldo Zotto and Lorena Ermocida? (1)
Does anyone know anything about the following 5-day workshops with Osvaldo Zotto and Lorena Ermocida? Some brief "details" which I found while randomly surfing:

2006  RCA torching of Tango records (1)
Dear friends from Tango list It is part of local Tango story. An incident happened on the 60s at RCA warehouse in Buenos Aires, when the former manager Ricardo Mejia , torched original disks with tango...

2007  Hugging Meditation (5)
Hello All, I an reading a book titled "Peace is Every Step" by Thich Nhat Hanh. I just read a nice passage that I would like to share with all of you because it reminded me of the aspect the mindfulness...

2008  Is there a dress code in the milongas in BsAs? (6)
Joanne wrote (amongst other things): Aires. John Gleeson wrote: Sorry but I am gasping. I am constantly amazed at people who take a few samplings and state that everybody conforms to that sample, especially

2009  Practica, Caminata, Zapateada (1)
These words have many meanings. I will only explain some that I think are relevant to our discussion. "Practica" is singular in Castilian, plural is "Practicas". (English uses some Latin plurals for...

2010  Todo Tango Club: Invitation to listen to eight free samples online (1)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact : Gabriel Foux - TODOTANGOCLUB.COM News: Free Samples available online Buenos Aires, November 20, 2003. Tango aficionados can now visit the TODO TANGO...

2011  Milonga in Teatro Colon (1)
Milonga in Teatro Colon, just off Ave. 9 de julio, Buenos Aires, Argentina We planned on going to El Beso, but we got the directions mixed up and wound up at this Teatro Colon place instead. They say...

2012  Tango and dress (1)
Greetings Janis, First, I appreciate reading your thoughts and in particular, I appreciate that you are making an effort to document some of the history of tango culture through it's living historians....

2013  useless rules about how to dress (1)
Hello List, In my view, the USA is a pretty casual place, especially when it comes to dress. I am the hostess of a big milonga in NYC. This entails serving food, washing dishes, fixing the toilets...

2014  Meditative and spiritual tango (1)
Meditative and spiritual aspects of tango have been mentioned and discussed many times on the list. There are several web pages related; Patricia Muller from Florence, Italy, reproduces some of our notes,...

2015  Abrazos - V festival tango documental (1)
Dear friends from tango list Today the movie "Abrazos" will be released at local cinemas. The producer of this movie was also the organizer of the V Festival Buenos Aires Tango. It was conceived in...

2016  Terminology (1)
Are there any special Spanish names for these steps? Rock-step Step where follower wrappers her leg around leader's waist. Step where leader sandwiches follower's foot. Thanks.

2017  Dancing Argentine tango to other music. (30)
I was recently helping a couple about to be married prepare for a wedding dance reception. They had picked out music they loved and wanted to dance to it. None of the traditional ballroom dances would... WHY? It's a genuine question. Peter WHY? It's a genuine question. Peter I DONT KNOW It is a sincere answer Alberto ?Buscas un auto? Hey Alex don't go down that path or get sucked down that direction... Gosh, I dunno, this real Argentine Tango dancing club doesn't sound like much fun or very friendly. Sounds more like worried, rigid...

2018  NA:E VIVIANATANGO SHOE SALE, just for christmas ! (1)
No shipping and handling charges from now to Christmas! Lots of shoes in stock, men $130, woman $120 HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND MANY TANGOS, Viviana

2019  Dancing Tango to non-tango music. (1)
You just opened a can of worms. Some people here are fanatically against it. Other are for it. (Guess which one I am in.) Most people consider vals (and by extension, european waltzs that are similar...

2020  Tango Argentino - 20 years ago (2)
Paris was related to the development of Argentine tango from the very beginning. This city was considered to be the cultural center of the world at the time when tango was developing. Many Argentinean...

2021  National Geographic Tango Article (1)
Hello - I just heard that the current issue of National Geographic has a feature article on tango. Excerpts can be viewed on their website,<

2022  The TANGO of the Parrot (2)

2023  The taming of the Parrot (1)
A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John...

2024  National Geographic photos (3)
/a> along Hillary, Thanks for telling us about the article. The photos do contain familiar faces for me.>

2025  National Geographic Tango issue (3)
Dear friends from Tango list I have seen the material published on this magazine . The quality of photography is excellent as usual. I wonder what kind of impression will have a person reading this...

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