3727  4th Annual New Orleans Tangofest was hot, Hot, HOT!


Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 09:52:37 -0700
From: Douglas Page <danseurus@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: 4th Annual New Orleans Tangofest was hot, Hot, HOT!

We just returned from the fourth New Orleans
Tangofest, held which was the wekeend of August 5 - 7
at the Hotel Monaco in New Orleans.

Friday night featured "Red Hot Tango," a Tango dance
show that absolutely rocked the packed house.
Tangofest participants received free passes - tickets
were also available to the general public. (It was
great to see the public at large eager to see Tango

The professional show covered the history of Tango and
the development of music and dance in Argentina and
lands beyond.

Workshops and classes filled the remainder of the
weekend. (Nights allowed participants to unwind with
gourment dinners that were included in the Tangofest
package and nightly Milongas.)

Instructors included hosts Alberto Paz and Valorie
Hart, and Orlando Paiva and Rebekah Abbey. Weekend
workshops were held in twin ballrooms, accomodating
all the dancers who attended the sold-out event.

Sunday night closed with a show featuring the many
talented students - this New Orleans tradition was
extremely well-received and enjoyed by all - the music
finally stopped in the wee hours (around 2:00 AM!).

The hotel was a delight. Well-appointed rooms,
personal attention from the hotel staff. A
complimentary wine reception daily (5 -6 pm) gave
everyone a chance to meet and catch up on the day's
activities. Many new friends were made by all.

Another gem was "Cobalt" - the exceptional restaurant
located at the Hotel Manaco. (Gourment dishes created
by Chef David English.)

A HUGE bravo to Alberto Paz and Valorie Hart for a
most unforgettable event.

We recommend next year to all!

For more information, contact Albert Paz:

Or, visit https://www.planet-tango.com

(Apologies for the late post - I mistakenly posted
this originally to the Tango-A list.)

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