1150  Assasination Tango


Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2003 02:07:11 -0500
From: manuel <white95r@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Assasination Tango

We just got back from watching the movie... The veredict: I really enjoyed
it! Perhaps the plot was weak and maybe the movie could have been better
from a purely cinematic point of view, but to me it was very enjoyable.
I loved the scenes of BAires, it remind me of being there. The city scenes
and flavor were depicted accurately and I liked that. I enjoyed seeing the
people I know and like appear in the movie, I liked the dancing just fine.
IMHO, it was very realistic of a milonga, actually the milonga in the movie
was very true to life, the locale, the size of the place, the tables, the
people, the dancing... It was nice. I loved the dancing of Armando and
"Manuela", I actually liked all the cameos, Carlos & Alicia are always good
and PV's dancing with Geraldine was just awesome!

Unfortunately, I don't think it will have wide appeal. It is as someone
wrote, an insider's insider movie. I think is well worth watching as a tango
afficionado, I might have to see it again to see if I can decipher the
plot.... I'm still not sure who double (tripple) crossed who or how many


Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2003 10:22:07 -0800
From: Barbara Garvey <barbara@TANGOBAR-PRODUCTIONS.COM>
Subject: Re: Assasination Tango

I agree wholeheartedly with Manuel (not for the first time). Although
Asssassination Tango may not go down in the annals of Great Films, I also
thought it was an accurate portrayal of the milongas and city of BA, and
loved the naturalness of the dialogue and Luciana's acting. Unlike many of
the critics the juxtaposition of tango with the "job" seemed natural too --
here's a guy who hangs out at a dance hall at home, curious about an
unfamiliar dance form; he has time on his hands and is instantly hooked on
tango. Isn't that the experience of most listeros? Of course I am delighted
that Orlando Paiva has finally had his place in the sun. Duvall brought
Luciana to our house once to take a lesson with Orlando, who he introduced
to her as "the most elegant dancer in the world".
The only problem was that in the milonga scenes there wasn't time to look
around the room (at all the usual suspects) as well as at the dancing. These
scenes filled me with acute nostalgia, especially for Sin Rumbo. Have to
wait for the video. Wouldn't it be great if Duvall put out a Director's Cut
to expand the dance scenes? How could the Greater Tango Community facilitate


Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 11:20:26 -0700
From: Rick FromPdx <bugs1959bunny@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Oregonian Review: Assasination Tango

Our local paper gave the movie a C+ & said its out of step. I'm certain the reviewer isn't a dancer. Here's a short excerpt:
"For all the fascination they might hold individually, the parts of "AT" never quite harmonize or gel. All the more curious, then, that it is a film about music or, more exactly, dance. ... Disconnected & even disoriented, "AT" is an atmosphere in search of a reason". "Anger Management" got a C+ too...

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