1126 Censorship and Tango (1)
There has been discussion as to Censorship and appropriateness of discussions
on Tango-L.
If limits are not made as to what's appropriate on Tango-L almost anything
can be discussed. This would mean...
1127 Zival's Tango Store -- website gone? (2)
The URL for Zival's Tango Store <https://www.tangostore.com/> no longer
seems to work. Does anyone have information about this website?
With best regards,
Stephen Brown
Tango Argentino de Tejas
1128 looking for CDs (1)
I'm trying to find CDs of Ricardo Brignolo and his orquesta tipica. I have
one on the Bandoneon label and would like to find more. Any information would
be helpful.
Please respond to the list...
1129 Egyptian tango? (4)
<<<But I do know, that belly dance, which they do have in
all Arabian countries, has had an influence on the development of Flamenco
(the gypsies passed through Egypt and those areas, check...
1130 Tango, war, judgment, transcendance (1)
I pondered about sending this to the tango-L, not wanting to prolong the war
thread, even though I am thoroughly against censorship of the list. The only
connection to tango is the *connection* of tango,...
1131 Is it Milonga? (8)
I was listening yesterday to the recently released CD
of Castillo's milongas and candombes. Can anyone tell
me what the difference between them is musically?
Both (at least as they are labelled on the...
In response to the question why the Candombe does not sound like the one
played by a Tango band here is what Paco Romero...
1132 candombe/milonga (4)
of Castillo's milongas and candombes. Can anyone tell
me what the difference between them is musically?
My understanding is that candombe is based on an African rhythm and that it forms the basis for...
1133 Traspie (6)
And now - more hubris!
Traspie (literally stumble or trip) is dancing short, quick steps. If
done very quickly some of the steps fall between the beats of music.
One way to do traspie is when leading...
1134 Tango in Portland,Oregon (1)
I am in Portland this weekend(29 March)...where can I
dance tango,Saturday,Sunday?
1135 Masquerade : A Tango Murder Mystery (1)
() 2000-OIPC 2001)
1136 Tango documentaries (1)
Hi all
Does anyone know how to get hold of any documentaries on tango that have been made more recently? I know there was one posted a few months ago, =
but I would also like to know if there are any...
1137 Just trying to help another tanguero (13)
Dear Bob, Luda and other tango friends,
While I understand the desire of many to have wonderful tango compilations,
etc, I will respectfully explain that what is being asked is illegal...
1138 Music at dances (1)
rickmcg wrote:
<<Selling a few music compilation cd's, or collecting a few hundred dollars at
Actually it isn't. Specifically selling mass-produced CD's of music and
supplying music for dancing...
1139 Asssassination Tango (1)
I've been getting very few messages from the Tango-L lately, and have been
wondering if anyone out there has seen Assassination Tango? It opens in San
Francisco this Friday, although there have been...
1140 life without a moderator..... (2)
Funny thing, ever since the list went un-moderated, I've seen the expected
number of list "violations" that could be expected. I guess the listers were
keeping Jim Lane quite busy ;-) . The interesting...
1141 Copyright, ASCAP, SADAIC etc (1)
The situation of selling copies of CDs has many points of view. I am not a
lawyer and don't profess to have an EXPERT opinion.
I do believe, however, that there is another issue to consider. I,
1142 Spam/Scam? (3)
Did other people get this? Is Korey Ireland really involved in Tango-L, or
is this a scam (like most of the email "petitions" for whatever good cause
or hot issue) to generate valid email addresses...
1143 Recorded Music vs. Copied (2)
Sharon Gates wrote:
"So that implies that you provide the venue owners with the list of
music that you play at your milongas, and they in turn provide that
information to the proper royalties collecting...
1144 Appologies - no scam, no spam.... (1)
Dear Friends,
I've been trying to find relief from a flood of unsolicited
email...unfortunately, I didn't have the software set correctly and as a
result those of you who posted to Tango-L in the last...
1145 Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne in Istanbul (May 23,24,25, 2003) (3)
Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne in Istanbul
May 23,24,25, 2003
Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne will be in Istanbul for two days of
workshops and two show milonga nights. Show milongas are at May...
1146 Preparing a homage (11)
I believe in progress, well, in agonizingly slow progress at least. (Though
these last few weeks have been very hard on us measured optimists.) Just
imagine, I believe even in Tango-L progress, which...
1147 Istanbul May June... (1)
Dear Tangueros and Tangueras,
If you consider Istanbul as your next tango destination you can obtain
precise information about all the milongas on :
https://tangistan.danse-a-2.com (english) or https://istango.danse-a-2.com
1148 NA-W:FREE TICKETS!/Tango Buenos Aires show/La Voz del Tango (1)
Hello, List! :-)
Great news! We have free tickets for you!
There will be two presentations in the Los Angeles area of the Tango
Buenos Aires show, currently touring the U.S.
One on Friday, Aprill...
1149 Oops! Tango-L should have been Tango-A (1)
Sorry folks!
In error, my message:
went to the entire list....I meant to send it to Tango-A.
Hopefully the Moderator will catch it and reroute it... if not,
Again...so solly
1150 Assasination Tango (3)
We just got back from watching the movie... The veredict: I really enjoyed
it! Perhaps the plot was weak and maybe the movie could have been better
from a purely cinematic point of view, but to me it...
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