Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 09:58:42 -0800
From: Wesley Kirk <weskirk2002@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Censorship and Tango
There has been discussion as to Censorship and appropriateness of discussions
on Tango-L.
If limits are not made as to what's appropriate on Tango-L almost anything
can be discussed. This would mean that subscribers could make a career of
deciding what they want to read and what they want to delete and therefore
seriously reduce the effectiveness of Tango-L. I would suggest that discussions
on Tango-L be limited to anything that helps dancers become better dancers and
increases their knowledge of tango such as but not limited to discussions about
tango movies, tango books, tango history, tango songs, tango teachers, etc.
Tango-L would not normally include discussion on tango events, classes,
practicas, related travel and lodging considerations because this can be done
on Tango-A.
Any comments?
Warm Regards
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