4595  Beginners-and classes


Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 13:28:27 -0300
From: Deby Novitz <dnovitz@lavidacondeby.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Beginners-and classes
To: tango-l@mit.edu

I want to build a little bit on what Sergio posted. When I first came
to Buenos Aires to dance, the classes were not broken down into
Beg/Int/Adv. Teachers taught basics and believed that all students of
all levels could benefit. There are still many teachers here who do not
break their classes. They teach to all levels.

Do you wonder why? How can they do that? Simply because they are
teaching simple movements and technique. This is something every level
of student can benefit from regardless of how long they have been
dancing or at what level. That said, the breakdown of "levels" usually
happens when teachers are teaching steps and not movements. Fancy and
complicated moves. The beginning student gets completely lost. (So do
most of the others, but then that is another topic altogether....)

I have known some teachers in the Bay Area (San Francisco) to tell their
students that in order to take the intermediate class they need to take
at least 10 of the beginning classes. If a student is beyond the beg.
class, then the teacher can invite the student to the next level.
Unfortunately I think it all boils down to money. No one wants to turn
someone away. If a student is not appropriate for the class, they need
to be told. It is very easy. Yes, you might lose a person, but then
you would probably lose them anyway or someone else by having them in a
class they are not suited for.

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