Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 21:44:39 -0600
From: Oleh Kovalchuke <tangospring@GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Cabeceo at the festival. The sequel.
Tom's experiment with cabeceo at the festival has brought mixed
results. He has seated all followers at one side of the room and
leaders at the other. This separate seating arrangement has worked
beautifully at Lo de Celia and still works very nicely at Maipu 444
and to some extent at Club Espanol in Buenos Aires. However seating
there is arranged around the floor, not at the two adjacent sides of
the floor. Also those locations are relatively small and so it is not
that difficult to catch an eye across the room.
At the festival on the other hand the floor was about the size of the
floor at Salon Caning and three to four rows deep seating of followers
on one side of the floor and leaders at the perpendicular side has led
to a situation where during cortina a wall of leaders would bunch up
in the corner trying to get that special follower to look at them and
preventing those seated behind the wall from doing cabeceo. Oh well,
at least everyone got off the floor during cortinas (in the beginning)
and the desire to use cabeceo was quite evident.
Oleh Kovalchuke
PS Derik, this link is for you: . Scroll to
"New Orleans Died for Bush's Sins" Parts I through IV.
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