Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 11:29:37 -0700
From: Rick McGarrey <rickmcg@FLASH.NET>
Subject: A Coleman's posts
A Coleman's original 'Many Tango Syllabi' post did seem to say that every
beginning leader should be taught the three essential tango basics: ochos,
ganchos, and boleos. It then went on to describe advanced tango in terms of a
bunch of stage moves. A strange view of tango- but it was so unclearly written
that it would have been difficult to respond to. Apparently, however, there
was a private response, and A Coleman then posted his answer on this list along
with parts of the private email. If he had permission of the sender it's okay-
but otherwise it's wrong. Public lists have rules just like milongas, and you
shouldn't post parts of a private email on a public list.
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