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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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2551  A Coleman's posts (1)
A Coleman's original 'Many Tango Syllabi' post did seem to say that every beginning leader should be taught the three essential tango basics: ochos, ganchos, and boleos. It then went on to describe...

2552  Milonga etiquette (9)
Western Larch wrote: "...What I've decided to do is to tell beginner followers (the usual victims) that they aren't obligated to dance with any guy who has to explain stuff verbally instead of physically....

2553  Etiquette: Don't get mad - try laughter (1)
wrote: I can one-up you on this dork's ego trip. At a milonga recently, a woman asked a leader (with about the same amount of experience) for a dance. He egotistically replied that he already had a...

2554  Who was Tonio Coppola? (1)
Listeros-- I've recently purchased a vintage 1930's French poster. I'm not a collector, but the poster's crisp graphic of a man playing bandoneon beguiled me. The poster advertises "Tonio Coppola et...

2555  Teaching on a positive note (1)
In the tango community, I have found that there are a lot of good and dedicated teachers. I would think that most dancers that have taken on teaching believe themselves to be very good teachers and...

2556  The Exeptional Follower (1)
Thanks for responding. YES, I agree that perhaps I was being a bit 'oversimplistic' in my discussion of the fluidity of new dancers. Of course most of the new dancers dance like, well, what you would...

2557  Origins of Ballroom Standardization (4)
Stephen Brown pointed out a nice website by Richard Powers, the Stanford professor of dance who doe a lot of historical research on social dance forms. His website contains several nice "musings":

2558  Syllabus, Syllabi, (Syllabuses) and Tango. (5)
Syllabus 1 : a summary outline of a discourse, treatise, or course of study or of examination requirements. Richard Powers says in reference to social dancing in the USA and I believe that this also applies...

2559  Tango Improvisation Origins (1)
Is it tougher or more challenging these days to improvise since the music is not the same as the one that was played during the Tango origins? What I read and heard from old guard tangos is that tangos...

2560  Argentine Tango effective on Ballroom (1)
I teach both ballroom and Argentine tango dancing. Lately, I've been focusing more and more on Argentine tango. I often teach Argentine tango dancing to popular American ballads used in Wedding dances....

2561  Milongas de Buenos Aires (5)
Dear friends from Tango List Today july 20th , a new website has been launched by the local government of the city of Buenos Aires at It has interesting information, including an interactive...

2562  SA: Buenos Aires Apt Available (1)
Buenos Aires 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Apt available for rent. Nonsmoking, one-month minimum. The apartment is located in the downtown area, on Suipacha, between Cordoba and Paraguay, with excellent access...

2563  What should a follower do when...? (16)
Hi, I am new and have so much to learn it is nearly overwhelming, which is why I have joined the list. Part of what interests me in addition to dancing is the learning process and the culture of tango...

2564  Male egos teaching. (1)
Mary Ellen, Welcome to tango. As you can see novice teachers are rampant, but thankfully a minority. There is something about learning a few tango steps that cries out to the fragile male ego. But as...

2565  leads who teach on the milonga floor (1)
From another beginner -- First, I'd like to thank Mary Ellen for speaking up about a common problem, especially from her beginner's perspective. I'm not much further along than she is (six weeks, to...

2566  Copyright-free Tango music (1)
Hi tango list, The dance school where I teach tango is putting together a corporate video of the various dances they offer. One of the topics raised in discussion is the right to use copyrighted music...

2567  Preying on Beginners (3)
Charles wrote: In my observation, men do not have a monopoly in acting like wannabe teachers. I have seen both men and women who specialize in scooping up novice dancers and telling them how to dance....

2568  Tango "characters" (1)
There are many "characters" in the tango world, I will mention just a few. We have been discussing the "Teachers" at the milongas, they are always very active at the practicas but they also show up...

2569  Teaching on the dancing floor (2)
Tom says: "Tango places a lot of power in the role of the leader (typically male). Power to ask ladies for a dance, power to set style, tone, musicality of the dance; power to move the...

2570  speaking for others (1)
I like to suggest that we avoid speaking for others and proclaim what most people think, prefer, want, etc. at a milonga -- unless we have done a scientific survey of the tango community. Even then,...

2571  another topic? (bzzzzz) (1)
I am just as guilty as anyone on this list, but I offer the following reflexive observation: For all the discussion about rudeness and inappropriate talking on the dance floor.... we certainly have alot...

2572  Varying Group Norms (1)
When it comes to social norms at a milonga, I think that it is up to the organizer of the milonga. Afterall the organizer is investing a lot of time, effort, and money into making the milonga happen....

cable T.V., phone .- Available for weekly or monthly rentals. The apartment is located in Palermo Hollywood (beautiful area) , 3 blocks away from Ave. Santa Fe and 4 blocks away from the subway ; 200

2574  Spontaneous Combustion Milongas (2)
At a some milonga, like the ones I've seen in Buenos Aires, or the ones I've attended at various festivals, it is pretty much impossible to teach. These Milongas are real partys. Meeting friends, glasses...

2575  Appreciation from a follower (1)
Dear Listmates, I have been out of touch since my original post that began the thread we are on now and have finally caught up with reading all of the responses = both front and backchannel. I will...

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