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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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2526  Apartment in Chicago? (1)
University of Chicago graduate student looking for ideal home: - Female roommate(s) who dance tango! - Wooden floors! - In a hip, diverse neighborhood - Maximum rent $500/month - Absolutely no insects...

2527  Fwd: Chicho, Mauricio, Fabian vs Piazzola, Salgan, Stampone (3)
Stephen Brown defines some "new" terms. OK, but how do you say "New tango" in Spanish? Could it be that it is all going to hinge on word order? I am a little skeptical. Cheers,

2528  Juan Bianco Bandoneons - no fraud, but take care with Correo Uruguay and DHL (1)
Dear List, Recently I wrote about a bandoneon I ordered from Juan Bianco's Bandoneon store in Montevideo, Uruguay (through the internet) which did = not arrive. I was interested whether I was tricked...

2529  Fwd: Thank you. I couldn't say it better (1)
--part1_9d.4a03f7c6.2e0b5e43_boundary Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/23/04 5:07:17 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: << Hi Timmy, I want to thank you for a...

2530  Tara Stores (2)
We are happy to announce that Teddy Shoes in Cambridge MA has become the newest retailer of Tara Shoes. Teddy is joining Worldtone, in Manhattan, San Francisco Dancewear, Monica's Dancewear, in Las Vegas,...

2531  Tango in Italy? (1)
Hi, I will be in Italy in July for 2 weeks. I have checked the milongas from the web page It looks like there are many events in each city but do you...

The following may be mostly of local interest, less so, if at all, to a wider readership. If the latter, please gimmi a sign and I will never post such again. Promise! Happy tangos to all, Peter Don't...

One room flat : 2 beds.-Kitchen, bathroom, balcony over the trees. cable T.V., phone .- Available for weekly or monthly rentals. The apartment is located in Palermo Hollywood (beautiful area) , 3 blocks...

2534  Tango surface you can roll up? (1)
Could someone tell me what this thing is called... You can spread it on surfaces that are not suitable for dancing, and then you can roll it up like a carpet. It's big, and was used at an outdoors...

2535  Tango teachers that hurt the community (43)
Why are there tango teachers out there teaching beginner students to walk by landing on the ball of their foot? almost none of the leaders get it right and then they are off-balance and frustrated...

2536  Tango Blog: "My life as a tango beginner" (1)
The topic of tango blogs came up the other day and I want to add one jewel I just found today: "My life as a tango beginner" (and please, if your sense of humor is...

2537  Milonga in DC on the 4th?? DESPERATE! (1)
Hi, Does anyone know if there is going to be a Milonga anywhere in the greater Washington DC area (MD, VA, etc) on Sunday the 4th of July? I am from out of town, but need to find something that night...

2538  Tango teachers that hurt the commun= (1)
ity Simon3940@AOL.COM wrote: "This serves to keep them in class longer, and out of the milongas where they will run into another dancer, who will likely be selling lessons in competition with us." You,...

2539  102 bandoneons (3)
Hola! I just got this information through the dutch tango-mailing-list (thanks to Fred 'El Chato' de Vries) ... and would love to share with all of you out there! Appearantly today, in the afternoon,...

2540  mediocre teachers (4)
Roberto asks why are there teachers teaching beginners to walk in certain ways that he finds difficult and unhelpful? And why teach the dreaded 8 count basic? Well, one reason is that an excellent teacher...

2541  Tango Stretching Exercises: Download All Pictures with one Click (2)
A new rush is on, so I'll keep the site going for another month. You can now download all the pictures with one click on the link on Sorry for the inconvenience,...

2542  Christy Cote's syllabus for DVIDA (5)
Interesting. I've heard of Christy Cote's syllabus for DVIDA. Apparently the DVDs are about to be released, but the book is already available. Has anyone seen this stuff? Any more feedback out there?

2543  Many Tango Syllabi (23)
Any intermediate can show a few tango steps to a random newcomer. But, a decent teacher has a methodology and strategy of teaching, if not a formal, written-down curriculum. Of course the best teachers...

2544  Standardization-The answer to everyone's prayers (9)
Hi Listeros: I feel like the two thousand year old man (Thanks Carl Reiner)! When they discovered the Rosetta stone and suddenly began to develope the facility to finally translate the heiroglyphics...

2545  Agreement on the coding of tango steps (1)
masters got together for this purpose, after 5 hours of discussion, and almost going to the fists, they gave up. They could not even agree on the basic step. If these masters of Tango could not agree...

2546  molinettes without fear (2)
I wonder how the Tango-L community feels about dancing on rough surfaces (uneven floorboards, stones, gratings). I hear of a term 'cobblestone Tango', but I don't know if dancing in the streets of BA...

2547  Dancing with non-opposite sex (1)
Caveat: I dance in close embrace I have been invited to dance by a man at recent milonga. I had to decline even though he is an interesting dancer with amicable personality. Normally I do not turn down...

2548  The Tango Walk (1)
The Tango Walk : You may walk as you prefer, toe lead, heel lead, with or without external rotation of the foot . It is a question of preference and style. The tango walk is taught by most instructors...

2549  Etiquette: Teachers pls tell your students not to teach at the milonga! (5)
Hey everyone, Lately people have been exchanging views about milonga etiquette. Here's my $0.02 worth. My pet peeve: guys who teach at the milonga. I go to an unnamed milonga in a moderate-size city somewhere...

2550  PRESS RELEASE: New Tango Course in DVD by Osvaldo Zotto and Mora Godoy (1)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact : Mike Sobek - ASI SE BAILA EL TANGO, NEW DVD COURSE BY OSVALDO ZOTTO AND MORA GODOY (Buenos Aires, Argentina) June 22, 2004 - "Asi se baila el Tango"...

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