Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 15:03:20 EDT
From: Crrtango@AOL.COM
Subject: Male egos teaching.
Mary Ellen,
Welcome to tango. As you can see novice teachers are rampant, but thankfully
a minority. There is something about learning a few tango steps that cries out
to the fragile male ego. But as others have advised, stick it out for one
dance than politely thank him and return to your seat. Just walk away, don't wait
for him to escort you, if he should even bother.
No explanation is needed. Declining to dance a second one (and future ones)
will speak volumes. Too many women feel they have to dance with everyone and
should just put up with this. Women in Buenos Aires will definitely decline a
second dance if the first one isn't so hot. They will also watch the men and
decline even the first one if they think they aren't so good.
And as others have advised, just sit and observe and admire the good dancers
so you develop some perspective. Observation is a form of learning as well.
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