2565  leads who teach on the milonga floor


Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 12:01:37 -0700
From: Jennifer Rondeau <angelicatech@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: leads who teach on the milonga floor

From another beginner --

First, I'd like to thank Mary Ellen for speaking up
about a common problem, especially from her beginner's
perspective. I'm not much further along than she is
(six weeks, to be precise), but unlike her I find
myself oddly reticent when it comes to my tango
troubles. It's great to hear from others who share my
beginner woes.

Second, I'd like to tell a small (related) story that
may be the exception that proves the rule, or may just
be an exception, or may just be a story.

At a milonga a couple of weeks ago a lead visiting
from out of town asked me to dance. We didn't know
each other at all, and for once I didn't say anything
about what a beginner I am. I think he danced maybe
one dance with me, thanked me, etc. etc. I figured
ok, I got the message, and tried to deal with it.
(BTW, I had been watching him, and at least to my
novice's eye he looked pretty good.)

Much later in the evening, the same lead asked me to
dance again (!). After one tanda, he asked me during
the cortina if I would mind if he made a suggestion.
He was extremely polite and reticent, and when I said
yes, please, and told him what a beginner I was, he
was even nicer, and even complimented me on how well I
was doing. He then proceeded to make his suggestion,
which (at least for dancing with him, although I've
gotten very different advice from my many excellent
teachers) made all the difference in the world, and we
danced another entire tanda together. It was quite

So . . . I suppose you could say that this moment
doesn't count as teaching. But I offer it as an
example of how a (good? at least attentive,
thoughtful, respectful) lead CAN be very helpful in
"teaching" on the milonga floor. It's not at all the
same thing as the kind of obnoxious perpetual
correction other folks have been discussing (and which
I've been the victim of, too, on more than one
miserable occasion).

And third, I'd like to thank Rose for her lovely
summary of ways to work on the attitude adjustment
thing and the reminder of the difference it can make
to our dancing.

Eugene, Oregon

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