2556  The Exeptional Follower


Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 22:47:05 -0500
From: Gibson Batch <gibsonbatch@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: The Exeptional Follower

Thanks for responding. YES, I agree that perhaps I was being a bit
'oversimplistic' in my discussion of the fluidity of new dancers. Of course
most of the new dancers dance like, well, what you would expect from someone
who is walking on quicksand.

But there are the Special Ones....that defy all human limits of dance.
These followers can follow my worst ill-timed move and make us both look
great. I forget that they don't know how to dance Tango, and I let myself
go into my more complex steps, and they work. These followers are 1-in-100,
maybe fewer, but they are out there. And to dance with them just once is
like finding a gem.

Sometimes, training in tango classes takes away that magic, and I do wonder
if the patterns we are all taught are taken too literally. They are merely
suggestions, I say to myself, and in a milonga I try to do something
different than what I am taught.

But the core emotions of Tango cannot be taught, I am sure of that.

I believe that many of us have experience The Exceptional Leader/Follower on
his/her first outing. I can't describe it, but without those moments I
would have dropped out of tango years ago.


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