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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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2576  What is NOT ok at a Milonga (6)
A (rough) summary of recent posts on what is NOT ok to do at a Milonga. In no particular order, with some poetic licence. 1) Do not teach. Ever! Even to a dear friend. Or someone who asked you to....

2577  What is not a Milonga (3)
David drew some conclusions as described in his note. There is nothing absolute in tango. The rules of the milongas of Buenos Aires do not have to be followed abroad, mostly if your milongas are not...

2578  An "empirical" answer to what is Ok at a Milonga (1)
Everyone, I propose that Huck and I do a survey at the next Milonga we're next at. (Assuming you are willing Huck...?). FYI: We are in the Phoenix, Az. Tango community. He thinks that teaching is never...

2579  my condolence to Argentionians (2)
Argentina should have won this copa America Marco This is a tango list, so this messege should be in a soccer list. But by the way: WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS !!!!! BRASIL !!!! Antonio Cervila Junior

2580  2 Tango Articles in the NYC Papers (1)
Hi Everyone, Tango is making the news in NYC, with 2 recent articles in the papers - one on Friday in the NY Times and one a week and a half ago in the NY Post. Here are the links; I'll paste in the...

2581  going beyond words ... (1)
Oleh Kovalchuke wrote: ! ...

2582  Tango and Politics 2004 (11)
Hello tango lovers, In the spirit of clarifying our cultural choices in the political arena, I submit the following for your consideration, quoted from a recent Maureen Dowd column in the New York Times:

2583  How many Tango-L posters does it take to change a light bulb? (7)
As enjoyed at another site: No flames please, it's humor; and relevant in so far as it it seems to reflect(in an, admittedly, somewhat teasing way) a not insignificant amount of the activity I have observed...

2584  Spammers/viruses? (2)
Sorry for this off-topic posting, but this is getting out of hand: Folks, apparently tangobellingham's email server has been hacked (or is being spoofed), because I'm getting a *ton* of bounced messages...

2585  Living Right? (1)
At a certain (non-milonga) dance party I enjoy going to, they have mixers. I understand that some milongas have mixers, too! (Yipes! horrors! -- this doesn't seem to fit with the milonga rules that...

2586  The embrace and the style (9)
What differentiates tango styles is the foot work not the embrace. Milonguero : male person inclined to patronize dancing places. (it has other meanings as well). To dance with a milonguero is not the...

2587  Tango Mixers ? (1)
Phil brought up the subject of mixers at milongas: At one of our monthly Milongas, Maida, the hostess, has a 'Birthday dance'. Whoever has a birthday that month is called out and a...

2588  Embrace and Style (5)
I said : "What differentiates tango styles is the footwork not the embrace". Bruno answers: "Sorry Sergio but I disagree on this one big time. I believe there is more than the footwork and the embrace...

2589  Drunken milongueras (2)
I think I can help: This comes from the very common misconception that to dance close you have to lean on your partner and be off your axis. I'd lead a drunken woman dancing close-embrace properly over...

2590  Christy Cote videos/DVDs (1)
Hi Everyone! Given the Ballroom/Tango topic went on for so long this is a note to say that in about 3 weeks we'll be carrying her complete line of 9 DVDs/VHS. Details below. best, Doug Pouliot -- The Tango...

2591  Ocho Crotado, throught the eyes of Maria Cieri (4)
This past weekend I was privileged to spend much time with Maria Cieri in Pittsburgh. While eating breakfast, Maria gave everyone present a little History lesson on tango and particularly the ocho Cortado.

2592  Msc - Tango Catalogue Update (1)
Hi Everyone! We hope this package finds you well and enjoying the fruits of the summer by day and many steamy tango dances at night! Our Summer edition of the Tango Catalogue is available. If you would...

2593  supposedly "Ocho cortado" (1)
Huck, Thank you for bringing up the interview with Fabian again (and of course, thanks to Keith who did the interview in the first place!). Thanks also for the correct spelling of a "wrong concept" ;-)

2594  Flash! New Tango Style! (1)
Timmytango wrote: "Maria gave credit to Susana Miller for bringing this step back to life 4 or 5 years ago even though at one point in time the ocho cortado wasn't appreciated by all." Huck wrote: "Hmmm....

2595  Drunken dancing. (1)
I would agree with Jennifer Bratt. And I would also point out, that it is difficult for a drunken woman to dance anyway except that way.

2596  more opinion on style (2)
Interesting chatter on the subject of style... Sergio: What differentiates tango styles is the foot work not the embrace. Opinion 1: "Footwork" per se is more effect than cause. Folks talked yesterday...

2597  Interview with Joaquín Amenábar in Radio Resonan ce, London, UK about tango and bandoneón history (2)

2598  Interview with Joaquín Amenábar in Radio Resonance, London, = (1)
UK about tango and bandoneón history We are pleased to inform you that on Tuesday August 3rd, Joaquín Amenábar will be interviewed in Resonance 104.4 FM at 7pm London time in a program about the History...

2599  Interview with Joaquín Amenábar in Radio Resonance, London, UK (1)
about tango and bandoneón history We are pleased to inform you that on Tuesday August 3rd, Joaquín Amenábar will be interviewed in Resonance 104.4 FM at 7pm London time in a program about the History...

Durante el periodo popular del tango, hasta 1960 existieron 4 estilos basicos identificados y diferencias entre los barrios (dispongo de los = DOCUMENTOS y / o los testimonios hoy) En la decada del...

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