4202  Diagonal embrace--is it the new trend?


Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 23:09:00 -0300
From: "Janis Kenyon" <jantango@feedback.net.ar>
Subject: [Tango-L] Diagonal embrace--is it the new trend?
To: "Tango-L" <TANGO-L@MIT.EDU>

After a six-week break from the milongas, I went to Lo de Celia on Sunday,
the place I call my second home. Immediately upon entering, I focused on a
particular couple who were dancing. I couldn't help but notice that not
only did the woman have her left arm hanging diagonally across her partner's
back, but he had his right arm positioned diagonally rather than horizontal
around her. I've seen this woman with her arm in this position with
whomever she dances, but now her partner is doing the same thing. Where did
they come up with this embrace? I wondered, are they trying to start
another trend to change tango? Why is it that tango, which has been around
for many decades, is being made into a new product that doesn't resemble the
original? Is it to create something new for the X generation of the new
millenium? Who wants an immitation when you can have the original? What is
going on in the world today that tango can't be appreciated for its
uniqueness without being repackaged to appeal to a younger audience?

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