2773  La Puta y La Ballena


Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 16:23:14 -0700
From: Huck Kennedy <huck@ENSMTP1.EAS.ASU.EDU>
Subject: La Puta y La Ballena

Sergio Vandekier <sergiovandekier990@HOTMAIL.COM> writes:

> La puta y la ballena ( according to the critics) is not a good movie. It
> deals with two stories, 70 years apart that are poorly (or rather not)
> interconnected. Tango is danced. It shows nice views from Patagonia.

Gee, I saw it with a professor who specializes in
hispanic culture and has probably forgotten more Spanish
movies than you've ever seen, and she liked it just fine.
What critics? It would be nice if you actually saw
a movie before panning it in this forum, Sergio.

Once again, La Puta y La Ballena has some of the
best treatment of tango and its spirit I have yet to
see in a film. If anyone who has actually seen the
movie cares to disagree, please be my guest. But this
kind of cheap shot is a bit much.


Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 04:15:43 +0000
From: Sergio Vandekier <sergiovandekier990@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: La Puta y la ballena


Please see the cinematographic reports by well known critics of Argentina at
the above address.

You will find comments by the most important Buenos Aires Daily Newspapers
and those specialized in movies.

Otro Campo
La Nacion on line

This movie has a mixed review. Positive elements are the sound band with
tango (Flores Negras of Francisco De Caro, Bailarin Compadrito and Danzarin.

It has beautiful photography, great Actors, Excellent technology, good
budget and excellent publicity.

The negative aspects: "Pagina/12 calls the movie "Un naufragio con todas
las velas" "The sinking of a ship with all its sails" "The movie is slow
and heavy as an agonizing whale, ran aground on the beach of a film that
will never reach destiny.

Zonafreak says: " A good post card with useless words" then adds "No pasados
diez minutos de la
proyeccisn, la platea ya sabra con poco rango de error el camino que tomara
La puta y la ballena, y
contra esto casi no existe fotografma, iluminacisn o puesta en escena que la

After 10 minutes the spectator will know the road that "La puta y la
ballena" will take, there is no photography, illumination or mis in scene
that can save it from this predicament.

I did not see the movie because I read the negative critic . What seems
to be boring and slow to some of us could be poetic and energetic for
others. I think that it has an interesting story and perhaps I should see it
despite the negative critic.

I wrote the note thinking that I was providing useful information to those
that are unable to read Spanish.

I mentioned briefly the story of the film and after reading the critic's
reports for a second time I reported the general consensus.

This list is so absurd that it does not matter what you talk about, there
will always be somebody that seems to be annoyed by what you say.

Best regards,

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