4303  dopamine or oxytocin?


Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 10:38:37 -0500
From: "Michael Figart II" <michaelfigart@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] dopamine or oxytocin?
To: "Tango-L" <tango-l@mit.edu>

There is an interesting article in Feb Nat'l Geographic; "Love, The
Chemical Reaction".

The caption for cover photo is "Courtship at a tango bar in
Argentina...", and the article is about studies on brain chemistry in
response to different kinds of love. I was particularly struck by the
statement, "Oxytocin is a hormone that promotes a feeling of connection,
bonding. It is released when we hug our....".

Wouldn't it be interesting to know what happens neurologically during an
embrace? During a really great tanda, or a "trance"? And how about the
difference between a milonga or a vals? Is it dopamine, seratonin, or
oxytocin? Maybe we would discover some new neurotransmitters! Tangomine?

Just ramblin'


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