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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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4301  The man woman relationship is the most (1)
important thing in Argentine Tango Dear Lucia: I agree with you. Women attract the men and if the men are interested they invite the women. The women then accept, reject or ignore the men's invitations.

4302  Video Footage of Argentine Tango Wanted (1)
Hello, Would any of you have video sample footage (or photos) of Argentine Tango socials or competitions. We would like to feature at www.dancescape.TV in our Argentine Tango section, to incorporate...

4303  dopamine or oxytocin? (1)
There is an interesting article in Feb Nat'l Geographic; "Love, The Chemical Reaction". The caption for cover photo is "Courtship at...

4304  Vote for Liz and David (1)
Support Argentine Tango in Phoenix, Arizona and reward two very deserving tango dancers! Give them your vote in an amateur dance contest in Phoenix Arizona, USA. Voting closes today at 5:00 pm local...

4305  Mercy Dances (1)
You know, in my humble opinion the people who constantly have to tell you how great they are, how they don't accept mercy dances or give them, are usually the ones who need the most help with their...

4306  Some people ....A matter of courtesy, not of (3)
mercy room. I doubt that will ever happen. I dance with beginners. This list gives mixed messages on how to help them. The start of the thread was about men-hounding females, which any self-respecting...

4307  Some people would complain ... (1)
whether or not they are at their level. Trini, here. I have been pondering that the last few months. One solution is to learn how to change other people's expectations. The good tangueros here who

4308  What Guys Want (1)
--- chris wrote: Sean Here. You just don't get it Chris. Tango is a two way street. It is not enough for the man to give the woman "the feeling". The woman has to return the favor. Those women who can...

4309  Hall of Fame-ers? (3)
I'm having fun these days receiving suggestions from people as to who they think ought to be included in the ToTANGO Hall of Fame (until now known as "The Big 8"). :-) Like many on this list who've...

4310  illusion of good dancing (2)
Someone said: "The feeling the guy gives the girl is by definition tango reality, not at all illusion. Why do you seek to belittle it?" When I was a little girl, like many other lucky little girls,...

4311  what does Ricardo Vidort say about women dancing (1)
tango as a man? Sean wrote: Women who lead are always near the top of my "Want to dance with" list. Learning to lead helps them become much more expressive followers, just as learning to follow helps...

4312  MAY 25th. (1)
This is not tango related. It relates to Argentine history. If you are not interested kindly delete. May 25th. 1810 - Napoleon invaded Spain and the king (Ferdinand VII) was taken to prison. Argentina...

4313  Multi-tasking (1)
Keith, the Stephen Colbert image was delicious. Thanks. The notion that men are all one kind of person and women are all another is so bizarre and false. This Texan will let the Argentines be Argentine...

4314  To men (2)
Hi guys; You have gathered from my previous posts that I am one of those who will not abide the rear-view mirror attitudes of people who don't get it. They can do and think what they want - but must...

4315  Men P.S. (5)
Every man who was in on the invention of tango was a follower, too (you know the story). The difference now is, we get to be lead by women. I think they would envy us! ;-) We live in golden times. Dear...

4316  NA-E: NYC Holiday with Esmeralda's (1)
Join us this Holiday weekend at the charming milonga--- ESMERALDA?S Tango and Tapas at SESSION 73? Eat outdoors, or in the lovely caf?, sinking into a soft sofa, or at the bar as tangueros dance by!...

4317  Female seeking roomate for Tango Fantasy Miami (1)
Female seeking female roommate for Tango Fantasy Festival in Miami this weekend. A woman I know is seeking a roommate (female only) to share her room at the Deauville Beach Resort this weekend for...

4318  Invoking BA (2)
The recent discussion of gender roles vs. dance roles has been following a pattern I've noticed behind many a debate in TangoLand: the invocation of Buenos Aires as an authority where tango matters...

4319  Men waiting... (1)
Sean wrote: "The guys are only complaining because the women who lead usually get to dance with the best followers. If there are 7 really good followers at a milonga, and three women are leading, that...

4320  both women and men leading and following (3)
Why to stop at the half way? In the most unusual and I would say best dances I had, I could not say who is leading and who is following. We both did! We both followed and we both actively lead. In the...

4321  Golf Tango and the Ocho Drive (3)
Dear friends, I am taking another break from the dance floor to explore other avenues of human activity (gasp, really?), including the game with little balls and lots of grass. But on the driving range...

4322  yale tango, male followers (9)
Tine, I decided to post only a part of my correspondance, hope you dont mind. :). The posts about the Yale Tango Club reflect an inequality in this culture. The women in your club feel comfortable dancing... I looked at the video, and I am sure that Alex is a very nice guy, but if that is what goes on in Portland and New York then I want to go to Paris or Buenos Aires. Very nice dancing and cool steps,...

4323  2? from a novice (1)
Last Wednesday I was able to dance with a woman closer to my age and a little shorter. It was one of the few times I was able to dance with her for the entire lesson. We did a new pattern and then...

4324  Excuse me? (1)
"They'll come along. Don't be intimidated by the narrow-minded sages. They don't have much fun, to tell the truth. Too concerned about recent codes and false assumptions." Speak for yourself Keith, I...

4325  A brave man you are... (4)
reply-type=response A good post Deby,.... The point is to be responsible for as a community for what's being created here. Yes, tango in the States is evolving differently than tango in Buenos Aires,...

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