4321  Golf Tango and the Ocho Drive


Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 12:47:38 -0500
From: "Gibson Batch" <gibsonbatch@hotmail.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Golf Tango and the Ocho Drive

Dear friends,

I am taking another break from the dance floor to explore other avenues of
human activity (gasp, really?), including the game with little balls and
lots of grass.

But on the driving range last week, a pro was suggesting I use my back
muscles to help get more power into the club. Also I was to transfer my
weight from the left to the right while recoiling.

Suddenly, I recalled the way I was taught to do ochos and crosses (as a
leader), you know with my torso twisting rather than at my shoulders,
shifting weight, etc.....

and powww - I nailed the ball out of sight. I think of tango everytime I
drive the ball, now, and it helps alot.

The ocho drive - I wonder if Tiger Woods knows how to Tango?

Then I am wondering about what other sports may the tango conditioning
apply? Any ideas?


Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 11:39:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Daniel Lapadula <clubstyletango@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Golf Tango and the Ocho Drive

Hey Gibson,I totally agree with you since I am a golfer ,started about 5 years ago and find out that the same counter bodies applied to the golf swing.The little difference is as in tango you move only 45 degrees your body in each step and in golf you try the most for backswing and forward downswing.
I haven`t read any article in the Golf Digest of any of the big ones(tiger,etc..)doing tango ;)

Gibson Batch <gibsonbatch@hotmail.com> wrote:
Dear friends,

I am taking another break from the dance floor to explore other avenues of
human activity (gasp, really?), including the game with little balls and
lots of grass.

But on the driving range last week, a pro was suggesting I use my back
muscles to help get more power into the club. Also I was to transfer my
weight from the left to the right while recoiling.

Suddenly, I recalled the way I was taught to do ochos and crosses (as a
leader), you know with my torso twisting rather than at my shoulders,
shifting weight, etc.....

and powww - I nailed the ball out of sight. I think of tango everytime I
drive the ball, now, and it helps alot.

The ocho drive - I wonder if Tiger Woods knows how to Tango?

Then I am wondering about what other sports may the tango conditioning
apply? Any ideas?


Daniel Lapadula


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Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 10:51:49 -0700 (MST)
From: Huck Kennedy <huck@eninet.eas.asu.edu>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Golf Tango and the Ocho Drive
To: tango-l@mit.edu

Gibson Batch <gibsonbatch@hotmail.com> writes:

> But on the driving range last week, a pro was suggesting
> I use my back muscles to help get more power into the club.
> [...]
> and powww - I nailed the ball out of sight. I think of
> tango everytime I drive the ball, now, and it helps alot.
> The ocho drive - I wonder if Tiger Woods knows how to Tango?

You're onto something there. I know a very good
ballroom teacher who besides being a beautiful, elegant
dancer, also has one of the most graceful and effective
golf swings I've ever seen.


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