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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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4326  Men PS (1)
Derek I have watched this discussion site with out saying much, I have watched the domments berrate you, and yet you have said some excellent things, but this last discussion??? It is very narrow minded...

4327  the video, definitions, etc. (1)
(excerpted from what) Derik Rawson wrote: Er, look. If you object to a comedic performance not being "electric" (by which I assume you mean something like "full of earnest passion"), I think you might...

4328  electricity (2)

4329  ricardo always (2)
Dear milongueros of the world, Thank you for your compassion and love that you sent for Ricardo. I am forwarding the email that I received from "Ewa" Ricardo's recent partner in life, both in English...

4330  Invoking Buenos Aires (4)
Jay Rabe says: "Jake ... well said" Not in my opinion and I will tell you why. "Even Buenos Aires itself ... there has always been dispute, conflict, and competition over dancing styles. If the...

4331  New Tara Website (1)
After more than 7 years in business, Tara finally has enabled on-line ordering. Please check out the new site at Our links page still needs updating, so if you have links...

4332  Thoughtful men.... (1)
might ask themselves why women are eager to follow certain women leaders and learn from that. My experience has been that the few women leaders with whom I dance have perfect balance and never disturb

4333  Men dancing with boys (1)
To put it in perspective, it was really men practicing with BOYS, not other men. From what I have been told, "manhood" in the early days seemed to come at age 16. This is when they could begin wearing...

4334  Happily I missed the posting! (2)
I guess you might say I am just one lucky person to have missed the original post from ?Derik? but now for my little report about La Marshall: I have read some truly wonderful posts (and some awful)...

4335  Teacher survey (4)
To all you teachers out there in list land: Who is in charge of your class levels? Do you consciously promote a student from beginner to intermediate? Do you let an outside student with some experience...

4336  Tango reflects society - introduction (9)
What follows is how I see the origin of tango roles. A representation of Argentine society. Notice that I say "how I see" it. There are many Argentine Milongueros (or anyone else) that read these...


4338  Partner choices (5)
There are some women (a few, who seem to always dance with other women at the milongas. They dance with women almost exclusively... I've danced with them before and IMHO, they are not the paragon...

4339  Backleading (1)
I may have missed what and where this thread originated from, so I will assume it is a straight-up question about what Backleading is. Especially in the world of Ballroom dancing, backleading is something...

4340  Tango in Munich and Vienna? (1)
Does anyone have suggestions on which milongas to choose from in Munichen and Wien from the lists? I found some choices here: Munich: Vienna:

4341  For women in the US- How women can become leaders (4)
by following Dear All: A famous leader during the French revolution once said, "I will lead the crowd wherever I follow them." Maybe women in the USA should consider how leadership really works. One...

4342  Tango reflec---- LEGS (1)
Hi Astrid, Thanks for appreciating both my humor and my billboard-sized use of synecdoche. Thanks also for the anecdotes about man-on-man dancing, especially the part about either Manuel or Christian...

4343  Back leading - Electra (5)
You know that we need two to tango. In any activity that we as a group take part in, there is one that leads and others that follow. Four people ride in a car, one drives and the other three ride *and...

4344  Juan Carlos Copes -- Feliz cumpleanos (3)
Today is his 75th birthday. It was my honor to have him teach and perform with Maria Nieves at the International Congress of Tango Argentino in June 1995 in Chicago. I phoned him today for his birthday....

4345  Reinventing other "slinky-sexy" moves (3)
Can anyone contribute ideas in response to Jake's question: I would like to know both for the benefit of my male partner, who follows sometimes, and for my own benefit - since I am intersted in exchanging...

4346  Encouraging DJism (4)
How about a useful thread... It has taken four years for Pittsburgh to finally get a really promising local deejay - one that has the time, energy, and technical expertise to study the craft of deejaying....

4347  Milongueros celebrate birthdays in June (1)
Osvaldo Vicente Centeno -- June 15, 1937 -- 69 Osvaldo (El Oso) qualified for the final round of the Campeonato Mundial in 2005. He never saw any video of himself dancing until November. I once asked...

4348  Self appointed tango teachers and tango historians (2)
Dear friends of tango-L, Over the many years that we have been together reading, exchanging ideas, discussing tango topics, few subjects have been so controversial as: tango...

4349  Leading and following roles (3)
After reading Astrid's note where she does not understand my sense of humor I decided to share with you the thoughts of a German woman (the same as Astrid). A young, beautiful woman and great tango...

4350  Define: Tango Moment (23)
Dear friends, You and me and all of us on this list know what a Tango Moment is. This is as in, ohmigod I had a such tango moment with that guy! Or, I don't know if the milonga was any good or the... I once listened to a very well respected tango maestro expressing disgust at women who pretended to... Yale Tango Club wrote: A tango moment is an epiphany moment when you suddenly understand why it was worth all the blood...

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