4329  ricardo always


Date: Sun, 28 May 2006 11:55:51 -0600
From: Shahin Medghalchi <TangoDream@earthlink.net>
Subject: [Tango-L] FW: ricardo always
To: <tango-l@mit.edu>

Dear milongueros of the world,
Thank you for your compassion and love that you sent for Ricardo. I am
forwarding the email that I received from "Ewa" Ricardo's recent partner in
life, both in English and Spanish.

Shahin Medghalchi
1201 Don Diego Ave.
Santa Fe, NM. 87505

" tango is a feeling that is danced"

------ Forwarded Message

Date: Sat, 27 May 2006 08:38:30 -0700
To: <tangodream@earthlink.net>
Subject: ricardo always

to all who love ricardo, carry the passion for tango and feel the loss
of the great master,

a man of true heart who built his life around friendships, teaching and
dancing the music of his country with the uniqueness owed to his feeling
and love for tango, also its history, left the living world after several
month of suffering from illness. ricardo was not only a great dancer;
highly educated with a degree in parapsychology, he had a mind of a
philosopher. his love for humanity, unselfishness and generosity were his
light. many admired his knowledge and wisdom.
ricardo touched all hearts and left a vivid imprint of a man who cared,
always wishing well to others, rejoycing at their achievements and never
neglecting to express his appreciation.
i was able to take ricardo back to buenos aires to see an oncologist, his
daughter, solange, her mother and his friends. ricardo's wish was to die by
my side. upon our return he became peaceful and tranquil(we were not able
to obtain the necessary dose of medication in argentina), the suffering
surrounded by love, flowers and sounds of nature, also his favourite music
he expired a few days later, on sunday(21) at sunset. the follow-ing
morning a subtle smile appeared on his face telling me that he was happy
on his journey.
ricardo and i have shared a year of life together that seems to have been
one hundred years, full of beauty, harmony and intensity of feelings, our
hearts were living for each other.
to those who wonder why ricardo chose to be in santa fe, nm i would like
to quote the last two sentences he uttered:

god threw a stone at me that changed into a diamond.
i must have done something good in life since i have met you.

words are scarce to convey the feeling of longing in my heart... i am
grateful for all he has given to me.

"death is not extinguishing the light,
it is putting the lamp out because the dawn has come."

rabindranath tagore

many have taken time to write, expressing the feeling of loss, gratitude
for learning from ricardo, appreciating his unique talent, telling stories,
sending their tears and heartfelt emotions. from the bottom of my heart i
would like to thank you all again.

with all my love and deepest respect, ewa

para todos los que aman a ricardo, que tienen la pasion por el
tango y que sienten la perdida del gran maestro,

el hombre con un corazon de verdad, quien construyo su vida alrededor de
sus amigos, ensenando y bailando la musica de su pais segun su unica manera
de sentir, con el amor por el tango y su historia, se fue de mundo en vida
despues de algunos meses de sufrir una enfermedad.
ricardo no era solamente un gran bailarin; tenia una buena educacion ya
que contaba con un titulo en parapsicologia; tenia el pensamiento de un
filosofo. su amor por la humanidad, su falta de egoismo y su generosidad
guillo su vida que lo ilumino.
ricardo toco muchos corazones y dejo una marca vivida del hombre con
carino, deseando les el bien a todos, con alegria por el exito de uno, sin
nunca olvidar expresar su apreciacion.
ricardo y yo fuimos a buenos aires para ver a un oncologo, su hija,
solange y su madre, sus amigos. su deseo era morir a lado mio. de regreso
pudimos manegar su dolor, no obtuvimos la dosis necesaria en argentina.
ricardo estaba calmado y tranquilo algunos dias antes de irse, dejo de
rodeado de amor, las flores y los sonidos de la naturaleza, tambien su
muisca favorita ricardo fallecio el domingo(21) con la puesta del sol. la
manana siguiente una sonrisa subtil aparecio en su cara diciendome que
estaba feliz en su viaje.
vivimos juntos un ano lo que me parece cien anos, llenos de gran belleza,
harmonia y intensidad de sentimientos; nuestros corazones viviendo uno por
el otro.
para todos los que estan asombrados porque el escogio santa fe, nm me
gustaria citar las ultimas palabras que me dijo ricardo:

el dios me tiro una piedra que se cambio en diamante.
debi haber hecho algo bueno en mi vida para haberte

hay poca palabras para expresar el sentimiento de anoranza en mi
corazon....le agradezco por todo que me dio.

"la muerte no extingue la luz,
solamente apaga la lampara porque ha llegado el

rabindranath tagore

muchos tomaron tiempo para escribir, para expresar el sientimiento de la
perdida, agradecer por su ensenanza, con apreciacion por su unico talento,
contando las historias, mandando las lagriams y las emociones de corazon.
nuevamente a todos agradezco con mi corazon entero.

con todo mi amor y
respeto, ewa

------ End of Forwarded Message

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