4351 Self appointed, etc - threads seen as evidence (2)
of a Cultural Strife
I believe that with this, and like recent threads, we are witnessing a phenomenon transcending the personal opinions of people holding misconceptions about Tango and the Argentine...
4352 Response to everything (Part I) (1)
I tried posting this last night, but when I got up today I saw my
message had been too large to make it through. So I've divided it into
two parts, in the tango way, and removed the stuff that was...
4353 Response to everything (Part II) (2)
(cont. from Part I)
The other website is entirely devoted to tango, and is at
https://tangoDC.com. There you may find my translation of "El ciruja,"
which I originally *incorrectly* titled "The surgeon."...
4354 Define Tango Moment (4)
Tine asked for a one-liner definition of tango moment. Okay, but its a
run-on sentence:
Twice as powerful as being "in the zone" in sports, since it is
emotionally shared with another person, a tango...
4355 Undefinable.. (1)
Huck wrote: "Those who know don't tell, and those who tell don't know."
Thank you, thank you!
And those who say that it is futile to try to describe tango (and "other
either do not know or...
4356 tango & trash talking (1)
A long time ago we used to have "spirited" discussions on the tango-l...
They were so "spirited" that the moderators (or censors) became quite active
in silencing the participants in those discussions....
4357 Chicago Milongas This Weekend (2)
Hola the List,
Any suggestions on Chicago Milongas this weekend?
Neil Liveakos
4358 a tango moment (3)
It's like good sex, you don't know why or how, but you definitely know
4359 El Ciruja (4)
Hola Naifas y Garabos!
I would like to talk a bit about the tango 'El Ciruja'... at the risk of sounding pedantic :-)
My hope is that some of you may find it interesting. Jake, feel free to use this...
4360 the states in summer (1)
Hello all,
we've got in mind to travel to New York and/or the east coast in
July/August. Can you tell me, if there are any Tango-Festivals at this
time of the year? Or are the Milongas also empty in...
4361 Tango-moment (7)
hi tine-
there is a buddhist psychologist named mark epstein who wrote about a
similar experience in 'going to pieces without falling apart":
"i noticed how suddenly quiet my mind had become. my everyday...
4362 tango moments (2)
hi all:
its been quite the email morning.
apologies to those i havent the time to answer right away personally
to - this discussion is important but i do have work to do!
(this is one of my work avoiding...
4363 Dearest Lucia... (2)
Hi Lucia,
Thank you for judging my writing matter-of-factly, from the hip, and
with gusto, while appending the caveat that you don't have time to read
it. It's a wonderful way to promote literacy among...
4364 The Real Argentine Tango (1)
Sergio wrote;
<<<<<<<**It is sad to say it but till you understand
what I and Nicole try to
explain, you will not be dancing real Argentine tango.
You will
something but...
4365 Multiple personalities (4)
I did not intend to answer your gratuitous attacks but you repitedly asked
for a reply, here it is:
1 - "First off, you're issuing forth an idealized, Star Trek version of
gender roles (minus Captain...
4366 How did you come to tango? (2)
You are writing so well, you are a very talented writer!
Please, tell me, how did you come to tango dance? When? What are your
favorite teachers? What style do you dance? What else would you like...
4367 A question in a civil manner (1)
Well said Jake!. Finally you are asking an explanation of what "Tango roles
are" in a civil manner.
But you are very impatient. I discovered long ago that if you write
everything in one note to the...
4368 Memorial Day Milonga at Cheesman Park (4)
Memorial Day Milonga at Cheesman Park
A quality dance event put on by dancers for dancers. First class all the way. The venue was world class; exaggeration, no - dare you to name one better. Loads...
Vol 3, Issue 6
Quite the memorable evening - apparently with after-effects and name-calling
too. People will dance at Cheesman...
4369 Tango Roles and Donkeys (1)
Have a good day, Sergio.
PS. at no time I mean to be patronizing or trying to impose any rules
your dancing or to your life.
Please feel free to continue doing what pleases you the most. It is a...
4370 a teaching moment (12)
okay... i would like to start a thread of teaching moments... when
the light bulb goes off... innovative thoughts that can help teachers
help their students
for example
we have a student in her 60s...
4371 Gender Roles Clarification (1)
Sean here,
A woman who leads asked me: "I didn't know you prefer
to dance with women who lead. When did that happen?"
It's been that way for a long time. In my original
post on this thread I said that...
4372 new free distribution tango magazine (1)
Esta es la Tapa de mi revista, de DIOSTANGO. Ya esta en la editorial y muy pronto esperemos, para ser repartida....
4373 New yahoo group for tango home exchange and (2)
hospitality (non-commercial)
I just created a yahoo group, Change of Direction, to facilitate tango
hospitality and home exchange. We've had the pleasure of hosting a
visiting tanguero (formerly a stranger)...
4374 Tango Roles-A learning moment comes before a (6)
teaching moment
Dear Sergio:
This is a list of self taught inexperienced teachers
and I am afraid they have no real interest in learning
about Argentine culture, unless they can re-sell it as
a US American...
4375 Is it just US Americans ? (2)
Now let me get this right ..... is it just everyone in the US of America
Don't get it, ..... never will get it, .......are self taught inexperienced
teachers with no interest in Argentine culture...
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