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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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4376  Innovators (1)
Tango innovation does not mean something completely new. It also includes going back to such depth of historical dance that even current Argentineans hardly remember about it. I feel there is 1000 more

4377  AT in Barcelona, Spain (1)
Can anyone on the list provide info on Argentine Tango in Barcelona in July? M

4378  Surrender (7)
What follows is what I think tango is about, other people may have equally acceptable different ideas. Once we accept the fact that there is a masculine attitude in leading and a feminine one in following... 4 Possible Stages of learning: 1. Unconscious Incompetence 2. Conscious Incompetence 3. Conscious Competence 4. Unconscious Competence guys...

4379  gender roles / now classes in nyc (1)
i was happy to hear apropos the conversation on 'sides' in tango that there is now a class being taught by vanya...a most beautiful and talented 'both side' dancer... in following for MEN. its tonight...

4380  Trying again (9)
I'm sorry. I made some errors. The corrections are in capitals. Michael Obviously must have been thinking of O. and N. while proofreading According to, surrender means: To relinquish possession...

4381  TV Show Research Request - How has Dance Changed (1)
Your Life? HOW HAS DANCED CHANGED YOUR LIFE? Are you a dancer, professional or hobbyist, whose life has changed because of dance? If dance has made an impact on your life, we would love to hear about...

4382  remove from list (1)
Gentlemen, Please remove me from the list. Thanks Richard Simoni

4383  Prologue to an aesthetics (5)
Dear all, This picks up the "gender roles" thread from a few days ago... Sorry for not being more punctual; I've been deleting as much as I've been typing. And it is Long. *** Hi Sergio (et al), Thanks...

4384  A buddhist epilogue to an aesthetics (2)
During his first visit to England, Achaan Chah spoke to many Buddhist groups. One evening after a talk he received a question from a dignified English lady who had spent many years studying the complex...

4385  Campeonato Metropolitango de Baile de Tango (2)
A month of 42 qualifying rounds for the fourth annual city-wide dance competition ended last Sunday. The semi-final rounds for tango and milonga begin Sunday, June 11 in Salon Nuevo La Argentina. I...

4386  "Prologue" for dummies (1)
God is having trouble understanding. Is an abstract of synopsis available?? . Ran across the following, surfing tango info on the web. It seems to answer all questions about tango .

4387  Judges criteria in 2006 -Buenos Aires (1)
Metropolitango Hi Janis First of all, you have to rush to register your "Metropolitango" heading word, before the town hall officers found it , it has an excellent flavour. Concerning your enquiries...

4388  Buddhist prologue etc (1)
benefiting from practice,,,, This brings to mind the Taoist aphorism, "The Tao that can be written is not the Tao." Probably true for tango as well...all this talk and words and blather, is not tango.

4389  Writing is like dancing (4)
Writing, especially here, is like dancing. A writer is probably a leader. Readers can submiss, surrender, rebel, or even back lead depending of the personality and skill of the leader. Anyway, good dance...

4390  Prologue-- vs. Cop-outs (3)
Hey Sergio, Well, I speak for myself when I say that I'll miss you, and that I wish you would've stuck around to participate in this forum as it leaves the 7th grade behind. In the meantime, I'll continue...

4391  Buenos Aires Tango Experience 6, NEWS! (1)
I have Diego and Carolina's DVD's (Vol 1 and Vol2) formerly available only on VHS. I have found these instructors extremely good in the content they have included and their mode of presentation. At...

4392  Another Update on the North American Tango (7)
Festivals I wanted to thank Steve for preparing this semi-partisan list, and would like make a comment about "how to decide which festival is for social dancing which is not?" - # of hours of milongas+...

4393  The Robin Thomas * system (3)
Hey all, Sean is right. I propose that Steve do some more research, and apply the following ranking system to the festivals: * = Robin teaching ** = Robin DJing *** = Robin DJing and teaching This...

4394  Another Update .. definition (1)
According to my version of Webster's Dictionary partisan (noun) 1. a strong supporter of a side, party, or person; often, specific., an unreasoning, emotional supporter. 2. any of a group of guerilla...

4395  IV Campeonato Metropolitano de Baile de Tango -- (4)
second semifinal round Once again I went early to wait in line at the Tangodata desk in Central Cultural San Martin to obtain a ticket for last night's semifinal round. This time the person in charge...

4396  Definition of Social Dancing (9)
It just simply means non-stage tango, in other words, milongas. Milongas, by definition means social gathering of tango dancers. Partisan, non-partisan, tomato, tomahto. A list of festivals is just...

4397  evaluating festivals (1)
In evaluating a tango festival, there are naturally many factors to be considered, including instructors, DJs, venues and dance floors, style of dancing, etc. In addition, I would hope that the presence,...

4398  Providence Tango needs your help (1)
Dear Tango-L community Providence Tango needs your help. Last month during the festival it was really humid and there had been a lot of rain. over the course of the weekend a section of the floor warped...

4399  Friday L.A. Milonga (1)
I'm done with my work in Central Valley and have decided to hit up LA instead of SF for a few milongas this weekend. I plan to attend the Tango Room on Sat, but Friday is still open. Which of the many...

4400  Dance Instructor Sued for US $8 Million ... (3)
Hi Everyone, Thought this might be of interest ... Yesterday, it was reported that a Dance Instructor was sued for $8 million dollars! According to our Hong Kong contributor, the dance instructors are...

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