4401 tango learning concepts (7)
In response to the following comment:
composition and form, but find trouble with improvisation, navigation and
rhythm. Those who only learn small elements often have good navigational
and rhythm skills,...
4402 off topic: sky blue and white stripes... (12)
Good God, did you guys see that game of Argentina vs. Serbia? Everybody in
the Irish pub I was in ended up almost doing somersaults themselves...
Is 6:0 a first in the history of soccer?
you'll allow...
Goodness gracious Igor. You are a...
4403 Learning versus Teaching (5)
There is a distinction between learning and teaching. I tend to think of
each person as responsible for their own development, so I am more focused
on learning processes than teaching.
I will still...
"My original point is that much of the apparent distinction in styles comes
from incomplete learning, fostered by instruction that is incomplete."
It seems to me that you have looked...
4405 tango learning-- Overcoming bad habits (5)
Look fellas,
Splitting this discussion into teaching vs. learning really is quite
pointless, because we're talking about one body of knowledge, and three
different ways of parsing it, or shaping it...
4406 Prelude to the Ssocial Somersault (1)
Wow, Prelude to the Social Somersault.
Has this piece been recorded yet?
Is it available on CD?
Is it more suited to milonguero or nuevo for dancing?
4407 tango learning-- w/o teachers (2)
Hey Gary,
To answer your question about learning without teachers (or without
teachers around)...
1. Videos
I know of a few people who have learned from DVDs, both those designed
with teaching in mind...
4408 Spelling (5)
I always thought that words look better if they are spelt properly.
Cabeceo derives from cabecear : to move the head from one side to the other or to the front. Both words derive from Cabeza (Head).
4409 Colgada et al... (1)
The people here in Buenos Aires whether it be teachers or dancers tell
you that in the milongas where we dance, the milongueros dance 3
movements; walk, ochos, giros. Those in their opinon are the...
4410 Cabeceo, again (12)
Yes, yes, yes-- I've said that the cabeceo is body language too. But as
Astrid points out, different cultures have different conventions
(compare cartoon expressions in US and Japanese comic...
4411 Cabeco, again (1)
I've always been leery of those soft sciences, I dunnoo...
oh no! duck, incoming words ;o)
A brilliant David Beckham free kick in the 60th minute gave England its only goal Sunday in...
4412 Tango and Braille (3)
Do you remember Monty Python reading the News in Braille - "Now just let me
feel that again" ?
Tango is not Braille.
"Tango Terrorist" wrote:
Sure do ;) Thanks for that joyous reminder.
Though do forgive...
4413 Braile (2)
I wonder when and if ever your are going to understand that the right hand is used to lead by most of the greatest milongueros and tango teachers. (along with other parts of the body).
If you were...
4414 Leading with the hands. (4)
If you have to push signals on your partners back then you have not learned
to lead yet. This subject has come up before on the list and I thought it was a
joke. It ranks up there with the one about...
4415 Leading with hands (30)
I have read from time to time the posttings on the list but I had never written till now.
Jake is right.
There are many ways to lead in tango depending on the level and style you are dancing. ...
4416 Tango Joven in Chicago this weekend / DJing (2)
Hello everybody
I want to ask if any of you listeros I've corresponded with will be going to
Tango Joven festival in Chicago this weekend. I would like to meet you, so
please drop me a line!...
4417 Trini Y Sean (3)
I was checking out your site PATangos - I am wondering, if only because you
and Sean call yourselves Trini Y Sean, if either one of you are Spanish?
Search your PC with MSN Desktop Search...
4418 Big toe lead (1)
I grew up in a neighborhood famous for tango, Villa Urquiza. One of my first
tango maestros was Jose Vazquez (Lampazo). He was well known as a dancer for
his elegance, his skill and his unique way...
4419 Leading with whatever you want. (3)
I still submit that leading with your hands or anything other than your torso
or upper body, whether open- or close-embrace is not good leading. It just
sounds like the easy way out, which we all...
4420 Leading with the leg (1)
By placing the leg in a certain position at the right moment or by touching
the leg of the woman with my thigh or my leg or by actually lightly pushing
her leg I will induce the woman to do certain...
4421 Leading with hair.... (2)
No hair leads from me, since I hardly have any.
However, I have experienced, or suffered, bad hair-do of the follower,
"leading" me to blink continuously while we were dancing.
Ladies, easy on the hair...
4422 The problem with UK (8)
He was doing fine, writing those incisive, logical witty one liners till the Peripanflautic Argentine came by.
At the beginning I thought (the Argentine) was peripathetic, then pathetic but in...
4423 milonguero viejo (5)
Who is that masked man? If you so believe in your conviction, why not
tell us who you are? Why must you hide behind a nefarious email
address? What kind of coward are you? I know no milonguero...
4424 El Nino Bien Thursday Nights (15)
It's more fun in a group. If you're in BsAs and want to go,
let's meet and greet someplace beforehand, then go as a gang.
Email me at ceverett@ceverett.com
4425 milonguero blah blah blah (5)
Dear Ruddy et al.,
Thanks for the detective work. This only confirms my suspicion
(expressed earlier, privately) that everyone posting on this list is
actually Alex Krebs playing a joke on himself....
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