4412  Tango and Braille


Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 22:18:19 +1000
From: "Tango Terrorist" <tangoterror@gmail.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Tango and Braille
To: tango-l@mit.edu

>For me, the leader's right arm and hand are live -- they move
>position and indicate leads depending on what I am leading and the
>experience of the follower.
>It is all done very lightly -- a subtle indication/suggestion to the
>follower, using position of the right hand on the followers back, and
>using the fingers and heel of the hand.

Do you remember Monty Python reading the News in Braille - "Now just let me
feel that again" ?

Tango is not Braille.


Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 13:59 +0100 (BST)
From: "Chris, UK" <tl2@chrisjj.com>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Tango and Braille
Cc: nikki@dancetango.co.uk, tl2@chrisjj.com

"Tango Terrorist" wrote:

> Do you remember Monty Python reading the News in Braille - "Now just let
> me feel that again" ?

Sure do ;) Thanks for that joyous reminder.

> Tango is not Braille.

Though do forgive the students that have been taught otherwise. I recall
only too well the workshop of a peripatetic Argentine, telling the guys
where on her back to push in order to "make her do" this or that ocho.

I sat out. At the end of the lesson my girl slumped beside me and said "I
feel like a TV remote".

For next birthday, I made her a T-shirt on the back of which were printed a
symmetric array of large coloured buttons labelled "left ocho", "cross",
"boleo" etc. We both laughed as she threw it in the bin.

Shame really, since now I realise there are places where such could be sold
for good money... ;)


Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 11:04:30 -0600
From: Nina Pesochinsky <nina@earthnet.net>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Tango and Braille
To: TANGO-L@mit.edu

"Tango is not Braille." should be included in Neil's Laws of Tango.


At 10:18 PM 6/26/2006 +1000, you wrote:

> >For me, the leader's right arm and hand are live -- they move
> >position and indicate leads depending on what I am leading and the
> >experience of the follower.
> >It is all done very lightly -- a subtle indication/suggestion to the
> >follower, using position of the right hand on the followers back, and
> >using the fingers and heel of the hand.
>Do you remember Monty Python reading the News in Braille - "Now just let me
>feel that again" ?
>Tango is not Braille.

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