4426 video instruction for followers (2)
Hi all,
I found some nice videos showing a great lady (I mean the follower) ;-)
It is interesting how much instruction a decent follower really needs ;-)
4427 Viejo Milonguero blah, blah (1)
Dear tango listeros,
The good part about being involved in controversial
matters is to discover who your real friends are. The ones that trust you,
and your judgment, it does...
4428 Who v. What (7)
Re: Andy's argument:
I disagree wholeheartedly.
The premise that we have limited reading time is true. Researchers,
students, and people who work in the communications industry know this
all too well....
4429 When lead-and-follow seems to disappear (2)
Chris, UK wrote:
hers, and she to his, thence the union. Within that union, the lead is
just kinesthetic gesture, only the suggestion to move... as one.
Look, the dance in close embrace, with...
4430 Corte, what is it? %) (14)
Speaking about experts..
I am lost. I have found so many definitions and looks of Corte, that I am
totally lost. I do dance something which I call Corte for myself, but met
the need to be more competent.
4431 Milonguera/os celebrate birthdays in July (1)
Luis Alberto Ayala -- July 3, 1941 -- 65
Beto grew up in the neighborhood where I live. During his teenage years he
rented suits from a drycleaner for a peso and had a different suit each
weekend. ...
4432 Cotre (1)
Hi, Just a little note about one explanation of the origin of the Corte.
A few years ago I took a class on the Corte with Eduardo Cappussi and
Mariana Flores.
A few examples were shown, explained and...
4433 what vs what? (3)
hi all-
havent had time to read or write but seems like same criticisms,
different channel. i know, i know that this is a criticism...save ur
emails. it is said with love.
anyway, with all the writing...
4434 Unintended consequences (1)
I read some postings about women "refusing" the lead. One poster wrote about continuing to rotate so that the man can't put her into a sandwich. HMMM! I've found that women don't refuse my lead because...
4435 end of freedb.org (1)
for CD research maybe some of you use https://freedb.org
during this weekend the end of the service was announced. But i am sure there will be a good replacement if this comes true.
best regards
4436 Sacada in different styles. (3)
Trini wrote:
"With the man with whom I do not allow sacadas, I close my
step more quickly and move more quickly to the next step."
I still see it as a change of style, not as a surprising reaction to...
4437 Learning to have a voice (3)
Trini said "BTW, getting women to "speak" more during the dance is
something we?re still working to solve. That appears to be
much more difficult than getting the man to listen."
Nothing really new...
4438 Why your feet hurt (2)
I can dance easily in ensayo with Roberto or others here for 3 hours.
At the end, I feel great. No pains in my feet or elsewhere on my body.
One of the American women who stayed with me would tease...
4439 Refusing the lead (2)
I cannot imagine doing this. I just cannot. It blows my mind to think
a woman could refuse the lead of a man because she does not want to do
that step. The only time I have done it is in a milonga...
4440 A conversation (1)
Chris says : "the connection is not a dialog" I totally agree. It is a
'tuning' to listen to the soul of the other person.
He continues " This connection affords the possibility of what some call...
4441 Leading and following - Corte : interconnection (1)
Trini wrote
"Some teachers will tell beginners that they must come to their
axis before they take the next step. They end up doing
this "stop-n-go" tango...."
Aha!!!! That is what Corte (or what...
4442 Corte & quebrada (1)
Dear listees,
This discussion of the corte has been somewhat interesting, and I'm
wondering if anyone with a deep knowledge of tango tradition (Sergio
perhaps? Manuel?) can explain the difference between...
4443 Daniel Trenner is coming to Buffalo... (1)
Hello everyone...
I'm happy to announce that Daniel Trenner and Anne-Sophie Ville will
be in Buffalo NY for a three day appearance...
On Friday July 28th, 2006...,
they will be the star performers at...
4444 Followers' voices (4)
Hi all,
I'd like to step us out of this (now) circular discussion about
dialogues vs. choruses (etc.) and point us in the how-to direction again.
It seems clear that most of us agree on the following...
4445 What fingers and a palm does on the back of a lady (1)
There is a calendar: "Salsa Nights", 2006, Paintings by Bill Brauer.
It is published by Ronnie Seller Productions, Inc.
It has 12 pictures of what man's palm and fingers do on the lady's back
4446 fake step (3)
Igor and all,
The move described (see below), if I'm envisioning it
correctly, seems like what I was always told is an
"amague", or a "fake". To me, it is different than a
rock step. Maybe I've been misinformed?
4447 A fallen tanguero (1)
Our dear friend and tango mentor Arthur Greenberg has
gone into hospice after a year of illness. If you
ever danced in So. Florida in the last ten years you
will have met him and his wife Helen. He...
Tom Stermitz wrote:
I've recently noticed in several different venues, that the women
have not been living up to the skill level of the men. ....
Part of the cause could be that these women are getting...
4449 Women stop studying tango: EPIDEMIC (10)
What I've noticed teaching close embrace in a mixed embrace community
is the following:
- In the first 1-2 months, the women have problems with walking
backward and extending their legs to make space...
4450 Transition from Intermediate to Advanced (5)
On Jul 5, 2006, at 7:01 AM, astrid wrote:
By different venues, let me be more specific: US Festivals, US
Travel, Buenos Aires milongas.
By "Advanced" I mean both technical ability, subtlety and musical...
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