4301  The man woman relationship is the most


Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 07:12:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Derik Rawson <rawsonweb@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] The man woman relationship is the most
important thing in Argentine Tango
To: Lucia <curvasreales@yahoo.com.ar>, Lois Donnay
<donnay@donnay.net>, tango-l@mit.edu

Dear Lucia:

I agree with you. Women attract the men and if the
men are interested they invite the women. The women
then accept, reject or ignore the men's invitations.
This is the way life works. People who do not
understand, the man-woman relationship, will never
understand Argentine tango. I think that is why so
many US Americans are fascinated with tango. Here in
the US we have screwed up our man-woman relationships
so badly by insisting the men and women are exactly
equal, that the sexes have lost there ability to
communicate with each other effectively. Now we have
men acting like women.... hiding in the bathroom and
women acting like men.... asking for dances and trying
to lead other women (when they cannot get a man's
attention). It is ridiculous...lol.

The Argentine tango classes in the USA should not be
about learning more tango steps. The classes should
be about the male female relationship.

Men are not women, and women are not men. We are
different. That is the beauty of life.


--- Lucia <curvasreales@yahoo.com.ar> wrote:

> --- Lois Donnay <donnay@donnay.net> escribi?:
> >
> > ouR great leaders have to hide or spend unusual
> amounts of time in the bathrooms in order to avoid
> being rude.
> > Any solutions?
> The !great leaders! should be hard without being
> rude...
> Real men do dance only with whom they fancy..
> Real tangueras entice men to fancy them...
> Just like in life, there's no pity in Tango, just
> read/listen to the song words...
> Lucia ;->
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Derik Rawson
713-522-0888 USA Landline Direct to Portable Cell Phone
281-754-4315 USA Landline Voice/Fax
Paris, France

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