454  Encouraging and teaching begininers


Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 20:37:03 +1300
From: Bob Ramsey-Turner <bob.ramsey-turner@QUICKSILVER.NET.NZ>
Subject: Encouraging and teaching begininers

At the last night of a beginners Tango course recently, I approached a
couple in the break between numbers showing the leader how he put a little
more "Dance" into his Tango. I was lightly reprimanded by the well
established tango tutor. No don't make things complicated for them Bob, they
are learning the steps now, they will learn to dance later.
What do you think?
With kind regards

Bob Ramsey-Turner

Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 07:43:14 -0600
From: Stephen Brown <Stephen.P.Brown@DAL.FRB.ORG>
Subject: Re: Encouraging and teaching begininers

>At the last night of a beginners Tango course recently, I approached a
>couple in the break between numbers showing the leader how he put a little
>more "Dance" into his Tango. I was lightly reprimanded by the well
>established tango tutor. No don't make things complicated for them Bob,


>are learning the steps now, they will learn to dance later.
>What do you think?

The well-established tutor is likely to see such behavior as presumptuous;
it was his class to teach. It would be much better to start teaching your
own class in which you offer to teach people how to dance. Don't be
surprised, however, if that behavior is seen as threatening... and worthy
of criticism behind your back.

--Steve de Tejas

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