455  Topless milongas.


Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 00:19:44 -0800
From: Deborah Holm <dmholm@EARTHLINK.NET>
Subject: Topless milongas.

Although it seems funny to suggest topless milongas,
there is a more "serious" side to this thread.

There have actually been circumstances in dance competitions
in Argentine Tango where a woman performer was wearing a
strapless dress and the dress came down below her breasts
during the performance. Although this may seem funny, the
tone that was impressed on me (by a male Argentine Tango
instructor who had witnessed the event) was more a tone of
concern. And, the night he told me about this event I was
wearing a strapless tango dress, and it gave me pause to realize
that yes in fact my boobs could be out there for all to see if no care
was taken by me/partner to prevent it. WOW, I don't think I
would ever go to a tango again for that reason if it ever happened.
Let alone all of the other reasons I might not go to a tango
ever again.

Just checking....

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