2776  The gothic wet noodle


Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 07:24:25 -0700
From: Jay Jenkins <jayjenkins888@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: The gothic wet noodle

My impression is that all these problems are Sergio's fault.

People on the list are happy discussing the "Wet noodle" and the 8 count base, they are enjoying dancing in large rooms their RI-Que-ti little steps, following the line of dance on the periphery of the empty room thinking they are in a crowded milonga in Buenos Aires and here he comes talking about, embellishments, flicks, or even worse "Gancho".
He had the audacity of suggesting acrobatic moves such as an enrosque and a dibujo.
Anyone should be offended under those circumstances. Never mind the "parada" a stop, a clear stage move.

We are nice people happily wearing pants and sometimes shorts and sneakers to the milongas. Here he comes talking about skirts, who wears skirts these days? not even women do. Long capes, velvet and leather. This was too much! and justly prompted a rapid reply from the acidic lady from Tokyo, who in the process offended "Razor Girl" and poor David Hodgson. This last one was deeply hurt and had to take time off to poursue other endeavors but thanks God he is threatening with a return as soon as he is finished painting his hair blue and green.

It is Sergio's fault because he makes all of us envious of the Goths, we have to wait the whole year to be able to dress in costumes for Halloween and the Goths on the other hand live in an eternal Halloween, this is not fair. I am offended as well.

Now he talks with disdain about the Whore whale that landed herself twice, seventy years apart. Huck Kennedy was upset because somebody shot the whale as she was dancing a tango on the beach..., with a cheap shot. I am offended as well.

I think that in some way he (Sergio) is guilty of causing Alberto to talk about Contratiempo, Erica Di Salvo Sextet, Fernandez Fierro and many others that we never heard of and will never hear about. Many here have never heard Di Sarli or D'Arienzo, we are happy dancing to alternative tango music, such as Laurence Welk.

People do not want to think, they are contented discussing the "Wet Noodle" and the 8 count base with the dreaded back step, he comes with all those problems, who wants them?. Let's see if you understand once and forever - We are not interested - . and no, no, no I refuse to use Delete.
So do all of us a favor talk about the wet noodle or else remain quiet. OK?

By the way I am upset about the wet noodle, like my spaghetti "al dente".
I hope that this is clearly understood.

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