Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 17:37:45 -0400
Subject: Re: Heisenberg and Tango
Lucia: Never thought of applying Heisenberg to Tango but yes, you are right. To take it a
step further, the very presence of judges changes the dancer's performance. Accordingly
it would help if to be scientifically proper the judges would be camouflaged as bar
tenders, security officers, floor cleaners, bandoneon players or DJs. or better, get rid
of the judges and the audience altogether and in that case the dancers would truly be
themselves. Another option is for Tango competitions to borrow a page from ice skating's
new judging book so that it can never be said of Tango that the pair that fell flat on
the floor twice during the dance is the same that got the gold.
In a more serious vein, there is nothing scientific about judging an artistic
performance, and science's only help might be to come up with ways to prevent our humanity
to interfere with fairness. I like your suggestion because it forces us to be cool and
objective and when it comes to Tango, well that is very difficult, witness the burning
pages of previous postings.
Julio Fernandez
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