3730  III Campeonato Mundial de Tango -- finals Tango de Salon


Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 02:46:03 -0300
From: Janis Kenyon <jantango@FEEDBACK.NET.AR>
Subject: III Campeonato Mundial de Tango -- finals Tango de Salon

10th place -- Kenneth Fraser and Sieglinde Fraser -- Stuttgart, Germany
9th place -- Mariano Olman and Lorena Samantha Coronel, Banfield - Prov. de
8th place -- Roberto Carranza Zuccarino and Lorena Valeria Goldestein --
7th place -- Alberto Bersini and Nicoletta Pregnolato -- Bergamo, Italy
6th place -- Victor Zarzar and Fabiola Vera -- Puerto Montt, Chile
5th place -- Domingo Ramon Musacchio and Marta Orlanda Orso -- Prov. de BsAs
4th place -- Adrian Vallejos and Yanina Erramouspe -- Tandil, Prov. de BsAs.
3rd place -- Fabian Peralta and Natacha Poberaj -- BsAs.
2nd place -- Pedro Vujovich and Graciela Cano -- Bs.As. (winners of Camp.
1st place -- Sebastian Andres Achaval and Maria Ximena Gallicchio, Azul
Prov. de BsAs.

Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 02:38:16 -0400
From: miamidances@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: III Campeonato Mundial de Tango -- finals Tango de Salon

Everybody in the ballroom world knows that the judges do not talk to
each other. They are placed separately around the dance floor, and
after each round someone comes by and takes your judging sheet before
you see any other dancers. At the IDO Tango Championships that I've
personally organized the judges sat apart from each other wherer they
could not converse, or compare and after each round, they had their
judging sheets removed so they could not change the results.

Janis had said that at least one milongero couple made it to the
finals. I think that there should be two divisions of Tango de Salon.
Close embrace Milongero, and Close embrace freestyle and the music to
accommodate the different dancing. You don't milonguero to most
Pugliese style music. Di Sarli is good for Milguero. I know that Janis
has not agreed with the music being selected, and she does know tango

That being said all competitions are political and that will never
change. I don't know if anyone outside a Argentine will ever win a
Tango competition in BA. Please be real.

I hear some of the same silly feelings that Argentine Tango should not
be held in competition. Those of you who are new in the last 5 years
chill. Tango competitions have been going on sence the early 1900's.

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