2780  "Intention"


Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 00:41:20 -0500
From: susan_munoz@SBCGLOBAL.NET
Subject: "Intention"

First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for responding
to my question. Some of you wrote me personally, some helped bring a
sense of interesting humor to a rather intense (complex) subject but
through the various descriptions and discussions, it has really helped
me bring a more definitive understanding between the difference of
intention and lead.

Astrid was helpful with relating the story of Gavito. Astrid also
wrote: "I believe, one reason why you asked this question is, because
you do not feel any "intention" from the man." What prompted the
question was two-fold: first, I kept hearing a discussion that sounded
like there was a difference between "intention" and "lead" which I
wasn't grasping. Second, and here's where the timeliness of this
question arose.... I was dancing with a more advanced dancer. A person
asked him "Where are you leading this (particular move) from?" He
responded from a specific part of his body. I said, "No, I'm 'feeling'
his intention." I then realized I didn't know what the heck I had just
said nor did I truly understand what I was saying, I only knew what I
"felt" and I responded by doing what he wanted. I then decided to post
the question to see if someone could help me better understand whatever
this strange phenomen was, I had "felt" that must be the "intention"
that professional instructors talk about that I had not grasp. You all
helped immensely.

A brand new beginner just said to me, "Isn't the 'intention' the
manifestion of the connection and what this dance is all about?"
Hmmmmm. Heavy stuff!

Thank you again for your help.


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