4208  internet trolling


Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 07:36:47 -0700
From: catmum <catmum@comcast.net>
Subject: [Tango-L] internet trolling

please remember, dear listeros, that the person in question who is
posting the most inflammatory, insulting and volubly, (and probably
is dancing the least), doesn't actually want to discuss or learn
anything: he is simply an internet troll. Ignore him completely.
Even posting one word in response to his trolling feeds him, and he
will continue. No doubt, there are other lists he belongs to that he
engages and annoys similarly. If he is totally ignored by all 1200
of us, eventually he will lose interest, wilt and wither and go annoy
people more easily baited into responding to his nonsense.

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