4235  leading with fingers


Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 10:11:43 -0500
From: "Michael Figart II" <michaelfigart@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] leading with fingers
To: "Tango-L" <tango-l@mit.edu>

Hello List,

Many warm thanks to all who responded publicly and privately to my query
on leading with fingers. It seems that the general consensus has been
that if its blatant enough to be visible then its "tacky", and

My take; The fingers are part of the hand, which is a part of the arm,
which is a part of the body, so to that extent, and only to that extent,
should the fingers ever be used for leading....NEVER as a primary
indicator, and never separately from our chest/embrace.

All of the responses were most enlightening, and I thank you for
participating in the friendly discussion of this new subject.


Michael Figart II
Houston TX

Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 09:05:51 -0700
From: "Igor Polk" <ipolk@virtuar.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] leading with fingers
To: <tango-l@mit.edu>

Thank you, your honor Michael!

I have a question to you.

What about if it only looks like one is leading with fingers?
Or is it prohibited also?

Igor ( Polk )

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