3573  Lies on this list


Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 10:29:49 -0500
From: Rick McGarrey <RICKMCG@FLASH.NET>
Subject: Lies on this list

Ah yes, back on tango L. I thought I'd seen the last
of this place- but apparently not. I don't follow the
list anymore, and I don't want to participate in the
discussions- but I don't have any choice in this
case. I have been receiving emails from people
forwarding things that are being said about me and my
website. Apparently, Oleh Kovalchuke posted some nice
things about the site a few days ago (I don't know
you, but thanks Oleh). Then a woman posted some
things attacking my credibility. Now it looks like
the dogs are howling, and I'm being convicted in
absencia of lying, fraud, and all sorts of things.

PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY: Everyone we've filmed
down here (about 100 of the best men dancers, and
maybe 50 of the women at this point) knew they were
being filmed, and consented to the filming. In fact,
most enjoyed the attention. Most are friends, and
Alejandra and I have known many of them for years.
Obviously, all of this is ridiculously easy to prove.
In addition, anyone with half a brain who has been in
a milonga down here knows you can't film for more than
30 seconds without everyone knowing what you are
doing - and I have filmed more than 60 hours (35 hrs
edited)over four years in almost every milonga in
town. There is no way this can be done without the
consent and goodwill of almost everyone in the room-
especially the organizers of the milonga, and the
couple being filmed. It's amazing that this even
needs to be said.

I'll give Janis Kenyon (who calls herself "Pichi de
Buenos Aires") two days to retract the vicious things
she wrote about my site, and to agree that the
previous paragraph is true. If so, I'll get off the
list, and I won't come back. If not, I'll be forced
to come back and address her charges in detail. And I
will do whatever it takes to defend myself.

Meanwhile, please keep in mind that the new part of
the site is a work in progress. It contains no lies
or fraud, but it is missing some essential information
about tango technique. Sometimes a lack of technical
information can be misleading, so anyone who wants to
enjoy the site should remember that it's incomplete,
and that It will be more accurate in a few months.

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