3337  literal meaning of boleo?


Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 13:19:17 -0700
From: Angel Montero <angel_montero01@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: literal meaning of boleo?

I am going to try, but I must warn you that it will be
easier explaining this in person, since there are some
graphic images not easy to explain.

According to the official dictionary of the RAE
(Spanish Language Academy), "boleo" is simply the act
of "bolear" and that means to throw "boleadoras" to
trip an animal and make it fall.
"Boleadoras" are a tool used by Uruguayan and
Argentine gauchos (probably also used in Chile and
Paraguay) consisting on two or three stone balls,
covered in leather and attached to each other by rope.
When thrown to the legs of and animal, the balls spin
around the legs they tie them together. I think that
is where the term "boleo" applied to tango comes from.
Other meaning of "bolear" is simply to throw, to give impulse.

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