5675  NA-E: First Annual Hudson Valley Mega-Milonga


Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 12:50:18 -0400
From: Ilene Marder <imhmedia@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] NA-E: First Annual Hudson Valley Mega-Milonga
Cc: GERALD KLINE <adele3@frontiernet.net>

SATURDAY: June 27th

The First Annual Hudson Valley Mega Milonga
This will be an opportunity for all NEW YORK area tangueros to unite and
dance under one roof in Warwick, Orange County, just an hour or so from NYC.

Enjoy a late afternoon country drive and stay for a great evening milonga
Milonga will start at 8:00 PM
We will honor those below who brought tango to the Hudson Valley!

Walter & MariLynne Kane
Ilene Marder
Carlos & Lynn Sampelayo

**Performance by Carolina Jaurena & Anton Gazenbeek**
** Ilene DJ's **
**beautiful wooden dance floor - 2500 square feet**
We will also acknowledge and honor all others who have contributed to
the growth of Argentine Tango in the Hudson Valley

$15.00 donation collected at the door
This will be a charitable event and all proceeds will be donated
to:"Cell Phones for Soldiers" a not for profit organization

Many surprises are planned

COME JOIN US! This Saturday....
Stone Bridge Station
30 Wisner Road
Warwick, NY

FOR MORE INFO: www.tangounderthetent.com

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